Got Chickens Now what?!


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2018
I just recently build a house behind my daughter and have a coop together. We originally started with 14 in March 2018 but my dog accidentally killed one and purposelessly killed another.. :( We then got 4 from a friends first grade class who watch them hatch.

We have no idea what the 4 new ones are (all different) but we have 2 black sex links, 2 red Rhode islands, 2 buff orpingtons, 2 ISO brown and cant remember what the other 4 are.

We have a nice little shed that was converted into a coop with an enclosed run. We often let them free range on weekends due to work during the week. We also have 5 dogs and 2 kids. My passion is snorkeling and traveling which helps that my daughter lives nearby so we can share in the chores.

farmer connie chicken man.gif

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