Got my chicks!


6 Years
Mar 20, 2013
Hello from PA. I've been wanting chickens for awhile and last week I finally did it. Have 6 red pullets now that seem to be doing really good. I hate the 6 chick min here, I was hoping to start with four, but I have plenty of family that would love some fresh eggs. Right now I have them inside in an addition that I didn't renovate and don't use....what age should I put them outside? I'm still very nervous about doing something wrong, but they seem happy and healthy. Is it ok to give them a few bugs and worms when the are so young, they really go crazy for waxworms left over from fishing!
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Depending on where you are and what your weather is like, chicks may need supplemental heat until they are fully feathered at 6 weeks of age. The Learning Center has a good section on raising chicks.
from New Mexico!

You will be glad you got more birds than you originally wanted. I was the same way years ago, and eventually you too WILL want more chickens! Happens to us all. :)

Enjoy BYC!

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