Got my first duck egg! Think it's fertile?


Dec 30, 2019
Polk City, FL
My Coop
My Coop
I got 2 rescue pekin girls recently that I named Delilah and Daffodil. They came here with fleas around their eyes (which are gone now) and they were STARVING. Delilah is around a year old (so I was told but these belonged to her friend so she wasn't completely sure.) Daffodil is around 6-7 months I'm guessing. She isn't laying yet that I have seen. I have Male Indian runner ducks that they are out in the yard with. Delilah hadn't layed a egg since today and I got her a couple weeks ago. The girl that gave them to me got them from a friend and said that the friend didn't know how to take care of them and they weren't getting appropriate food and shelter. They are on a good feed now and have 2 acres to run on and their own big coop to sleep in. After feeding them good for a couple weeks and earning their trust Delilah rewarded me with a big white/cream egg! They have been with my males this entire time so my question is... is the egg probably fertile? Oh and if it maybe is would it be ok to try and hatch it even though it's the first one she has layed in a while? Any advice helps! Thanks!


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Drakes being drakes, it is very likely that the egg is fertile. Save a number and then incubate - you have nothing to lose.
I went ahead and put the first egg in the incubator since I started a batch of chicken eggs. :) I will definitely save more for my next time around! How long can fertile duck eggs stay on the counter before they need to be set? Is it the same as chicken eggs? After day 7 the chance of it being viable will start to go down? It will take a while to save up. :)

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