Got Temporary CO! Chicks now living in the Coop!!


10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
Joelton, TN
Didn't know if we needed to build a coop or canoe with all the rain we've had lately. But we've managed to get the chicks out of my woodshop & into their very own home! We still have work to do, but the inside is done, except for the scrap plastic lam I'm going to put on the removable panel & the work table. Oh, & I'm going to have to add another roost .....on the door. They love to look out the window! We'll get the run done this week. Take a look see & tell me whatcha think.

It looks fantastic!
Thanks. I'm an ol' woodbutcher. And a packrat when it comes to tossing out wood. I have cherry trim from a job 12 years ago. It is going to be my new office desk this year. That is if the mrs will give me some free time!

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