Grafting still possible?


Premium Feather Member
Nov 7, 2022
Long story omitted. I gave my broody two chicks yesterday. This afternoon she is out of the nest with them. I have two more in the brooder.

Is it too late to graft them on? Should I just try and see what happens?
Ok. I put them out there. She seems perfectly willing to accept them--whether they'll take to her is another question. We'll see.
Ok. I put them out there. She seems perfectly willing to accept them--whether they'll take to her is another question. We'll see.
Good luck and let us know how they are doing tomorrow.
If she accepted them then I think it's a done deal.
Ha! I had an update but apparently didn't post it. She took all four and they're all happy.

I need to decide when to let her out of her maternity ward. She was standing at the door yesterday so I opened it, but she turned and went back to her babies.
Ha! I had an update but apparently didn't post it. She took all four and they're all happy.
View attachment 3825255

I need to decide when to let her out of her maternity ward. She was standing at the door yesterday so I opened it, but she turned and went back to her babies.
Yay! Glad it worked out well for you.

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