Granpa's Automatic treadle feeder


In the Brooder
Dec 27, 2016
Thoughts on this brand feeder? Its the cheaper version on Amazon any good (its $50 compared to $109). TIA!
Looks good and should keep mice out when closed. Metal wont get chewed ether. Pricey??? YES.. There are very cheap versions of feeders that you can make yourself from a 5 gallon plastic bucket and a 3 inch PVC elbow. Total cost under $10. I CAN FIND THE THREAD FOR YOU IF YOU WOULD LIKE MORE INFO..
Looks good and should keep mice out when closed. Metal wont get chewed ether. Pricey??? YES.. There are very cheap versions of feeders that you can make yourself from a 5 gallon plastic bucket and a 3 inch PVC elbow. Total cost under $10. I CAN FIND THE THREAD FOR YOU IF YOU WOULD LIKE MORE INFO..

Ooh yes please!
I believe it would keep small birds out successfully. Birds only feed on things that are spilled on the ground, or easily accessed. They will not try and go into a tunnel. On that first posting showing the 5 gallon bucket, a 3 inch PVC elbow is used. I suggest using a 4 inch instead. Roosters and hens with large combs could scrape their combs on the smaller 3 inch ones.
This feeder prevents feed from being barreled out and ending on the ground.
I also have the Grandpa treadle feeder in the large size. I love it! Yes, it was expensive but I never have food on the ground around it. It's covered so no feathers or poop in the feed and it keeps out the small pests. The large size holds a lot of feed. I've filled it and left for 4-5 days and there is still feed in it when I get home.
I've never used one, but what about young birds? Bantams? Young bantams? I'd think that they wouldn't have enough weight to open the feeder. It sounds good for larger birds, but not the littles.

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