Great Depression of 2016

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Solar ovens work well. They take no fuel and leave no smoke. But they sure don't work at night.
Solar ovens work well. They take no fuel and leave no smoke. But they sure don't work at night.

The trouble with alternative cooking methods is that they almost always involve being outdoors.

Smoke tells others you have fuel, cooking scents will attract starving persons and give away your location and in general attract trouble.
Anyone keeping an eye on the situations in Ukraine and Syria?

Obama might escalate our role in the Syrian war and he says he is supporting the people of Ukraine, who are torn between Western government and others clinging to Russia.

All around the world, we have people ready to fight with one another. China and Japan, Israel and Palestine, large swaths of Africa as usual and it just does not look like any good will come from any of this.

Anyone keeping an eye on the situations in Ukraine and Syria?

Obama might escalate our role in the Syrian war and he says he is supporting the people of Ukraine, who are torn between Western government and others clinging to Russia.

All around the world, we have people ready to fight with one another. China and Japan, Israel and Palestine, large swaths of Africa as usual and it just does not look like any good will come from any of this.

I cant say much inside the rules of this forum but I am keeping up..

You need to add Mexico to your list.
I sure hope we have the good sense to stay out of these conflicts. Nobody likes us in Syria. Let them solve their problems without us.

The Ukraine can also solve its own problems. The Russians and before that the Soviets did them dirty, and now they remember all of that. Starvation and turning off the gas in mid winter are not ways to ingratiate oneself with people.

Right now, we need to mind our own chicken coop.
Coming to your neighborhood soon:

It is important for those in power to control what the populace is exposed to. Everything is fine; everything is fine. Pay no attention to that black smoke coming out of the crematorium.

Trust the party elite to make those decisions; the people haven't the benefit of our education and intelligence."
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Anyone keeping an eye on the situations in Ukraine and Syria?

Obama might escalate our role in the Syrian war and he says he is supporting the people of Ukraine, who are torn between Western government and others clinging to Russia.

All around the world, we have people ready to fight with one another. China and Japan, Israel and Palestine, large swaths of Africa as usual and it just does not look like any good will come from any of this.


I would guess Obama will not do anything in Syria or Ukraine. He made the same "there will be consequences" speech to Syria before the chemical attack and did nothing afterwords but express disappointment. He promised aid but so far the rebels have recieved almost nothing. Ukraine is going to go the same way. The problem is Russia supports Syria and Ukraines current regimes. We cant interdict without directly or indirectly attacking Russia. The world is watching as our government sits back and does nothing. Very early WWII if you ask me. The media has put a bad taste in the american peoples mouth so now America is unwilling to do whats right, and instead prefers to do whats popular. Shame on us!
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