Great Depression of 2016

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Why does someone live where they keep getting hit with storms time after time after time after time ?

Because if you have ever been in hurricane or tornado weather, it is actually a pleasant relief from the legendary Southern heat and humidity. It is invigorating, cleansing, cool and if you have never had the pleasure, it is something unique.

It is hard to describe the attractive factor. The air gets this energy to it and the winds whip around with a refreshing mist for several days with intermittent heavy rainfall.

It is like nature's way of cleaning house across the Southern United States.

Why would anyone live in California with earthquakes? Why would anyone live up North with mountains of snowfall each year?

It is just one of those things you pick your poison.

There are a lot of unique natural features, species and activities you can only get in that particular area of the Deep South, so that has a lot to do with it as well.
Because if you have ever been in hurricane or tornado weather, it is actually a pleasant relief from the legendary Southern heat and humidity. It is invigorating, cleansing, cool and if you have never had the pleasure, it is something unique.

It is hard to describe the attractive factor. The air gets this energy to it and the winds whip around with a refreshing mist for several days with intermittent heavy rainfall.

It is like nature's way of cleaning house across the Southern United States.

Why would anyone live in California with earthquakes? Why would anyone live up North with mountains of snowfall each year?

It is just one of those things you pick your poison.

There are a lot of unique natural features, species and activities you can only get in that particular area of the Deep South, so that has a lot to do with it as well.
Because everyone has a different set of joys and values..where your heart feels at home..where you find joy and loveliness in what your eyes, ears, feel, touch, smell and sense of 'home' is. Me I cannot live land locked. I have to be near water, I love green..grass, trees, mosses, earth, coolness, air..therefore I live in the PNW..yes we have horrific wind storms here..yes we have earthquakes here, yes we have wildfires here, yes we have the potential of tsunamis here...and yet my heart is happy here..I am alive here...Until I am not..then I will become part of the wildness of here..ashes to the sea, forest and mountains..
If someone lives in the path of annual tornadoes, I wonder how difficult it is to get house insurance?
If someone lives in the path of annual tornadoes, I wonder how difficult it is to get house insurance?

It is harder if you live on the coast, where you should also have flood insurance in the event of hurricanes.

It is also not as bad if you live outside of what we Texans refer to as 'tornado alley'.
Not to point a finger but reading the instructions on the back of a packet of seeds may be asking a bit much for many out there. Our prisons are full but there is enough crazies still out there that should have been locked away.How many have watched Jerry Springer before and noticed the class of people thats his guests? I hear that term a lot these days,the "Jerry Springer Society" is what my college aged and enrolled daughter calls them.Those who cannot read or write,don't have a high school diploma,and would rather do nothing all day,than be productive to society. These are the hoards I'm concerned about. Some have no respect for anyone or anything you own now,so why would they become law abiding citizens in a catastrophic event? The people now who lives for their next drug fix,or what car can they steal? These goons place no value on human life anyway,and I'm sure if they are armed and on the move looking for food,ect, you getting in their way will not be a problem.
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Not to point a finger but reading the instructions on the back of a packet of seeds may be asking a bit much for many out there. Our prisons are full but there is enough crazies still out there that should have been locked away.How many have watched Jerry Springer before and noticed the class of people thats his guests? I hear that term a lot these days,the "Jerry Springer Society" is what my college aged and enrolled daughter calls them.Those who cannot read or write,don't have a high school diploma,and would rather do nothing all day,than be productive to society. These are the hoards I'm concerned about. Some have no respect for anyone or anything you own now,so why would they become law abiding citizens in a catastrophic event? The people now who lives for their next drug fix,or what car can they steal? These goons place no value on human life anyway,and I'm sure if they are armed and on the move looking for food,ect, you getting in their way will not be a problem.
In cases like this everyone and I do mean everyone should be prepared to protect what they have because all they will have left is what they can protect. We were raised by a military man..we are ready, we just don't 'advertise' that we will take you out if you come this way with ill intent. We have plenty to share, survive, sow for future foods, we know how. we will help you, we will not be victimized by you. That is our family belief. Right, wrong .whichever way you look at it that is what we have prepared for. I know the difference between heirloom seeds, hybrid. How to denude a seed for storage and saving. My children know, I am teaching my grandchildren that are old enough. All generations here know how to grow, can, preserve foods. I am learning more all the time. I will share my knowledge, and what ever I can. I feel that if we can focus on what we all CAN do rather than what we won't do we will be better off, even in the worst situations. If my idea is wrong and a huge crises comes and there are hordes over running us to steal our last bit of food and supplies that overwhelm all our resources to share and help well then my family will perish as a democracy..all of us doing our best to help one another to the very end. Together.
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Should we not be asking ourselves, 'How have children got through many years of compulsory schooling and yet are unable to read simple text?' This is surely an indictment of both the educational system and society at large? In our schools younger children have a little garden and are taught how and where to plant seeds and how to nurture them. Even when I worked in the toughest inner city schools we grew beans tomatoes and salad crops. The children made sandwiches and soups with them. We baked bread with them and taught them very basic simple cooking from the age of five years. As communities we need to address this issue. Lots of schools have mums and dads coming in after lessons to run cookery classes with the children or teach them basic woodwork. We can't rely on the state to provide everything, a lot of it is up to us as parents/grandparents.

If we have whole sections of society, and let's face it we do everywhere, that are disaffected and feel abandoned, then we have gone sadly wrong. We have excluded them and left them without hope of creating a better life for themselves. We need the best teachers in the worst schools, we need inspirational head teachers who have the vision to show these youngsters that they can achieve so much more than their parents and grandparents. We need to pour money into the most deprived schools and equip them with state of the art technology, to show the pupils that they are valued and respected. we need to impose the highest standards of behaviour and the most rigourous standard of teaching and learning. If anyone doubts this can work I have seen it personally where failing schools, with low morale and falling rolls have been turned around to be hugely successful and oversubscribed, and the pupils with low expectations and no interest have been proud to say that they are pupils of that school. Education is everything!
Should we not be asking ourselves, 'How have children got through many years of compulsory schooling and yet are unable to read simple text?' This is surely an indictment of both the educational system and society at large? In our schools younger children have a little garden and are taught how and where to plant seeds and how to nurture them. Even when I worked in the toughest inner city schools we grew beans tomatoes and salad crops. The children made sandwiches and soups with them. We baked bread with them and taught them very basic simple cooking from the age of five years. As communities we need to address this issue. Lots of schools have mums and dads coming in after lessons to run cookery classes with the children or teach them basic woodwork. We can't rely on the state to provide everything, a lot of it is up to us as parents/grandparents.

If we have whole sections of society, and let's face it we do everywhere, that are disaffected and feel abandoned, then we have gone sadly wrong. We have excluded them and left them without hope of creating a better life for themselves. We need the best teachers in the worst schools, we need inspirational head teachers who have the vision to show these youngsters that they can achieve so much more than their parents and grandparents. We need to pour money into the most deprived schools and equip them with state of the art technology, to show the pupils that they are valued and respected. we need to impose the highest standards of behaviour and the most rigourous standard of teaching and learning. If anyone doubts this can work I have seen it personally where failing schools, with low morale and falling rolls have been turned around to be hugely successful and oversubscribed, and the pupils with low expectations and no interest have been proud to say that they are pupils of that school. Education is everything!

We have thrown billions into our failing school system. Good teachers have quit in disgust and it is entirely because of the behavior of the students.

Go to YouTube and take a look at what children do at school. They meet up with gangbanger friends, they get into massive fights, particularly if they are gang related or race related, some have even assaulted their teachers. Our schools used to be beautiful, now they are designed like prisons, with police officers on every campus. The parents of these children are also no good.

Having been through that system, my children are never going to public school, because it is a dangerous place for them to be and I am sorry that it has become that way.

The system is broken and the solution is homeschooling or private school efforts.

There is no way that I would let my children go to any public school laced with savage juvenile delinquents. To me, the schools have gotten so bad here, that I think sending your kid to one is borderline abuse.

While not every school is that way, a lot of them are and I do not want the children I will have someday exposed to an environment like that.
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