Great Depression of 2016

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You should not feel like you have to be silent.

The government should not be handing out anything based on race and then going around and saying that everyone needs to be treated equally.

We are in complete agreement.

The good folks are working like slaves to support the ones who do nothing. We can not go on like this forever. Eventually, our system will collapse.

That is the 'tipping point' that I was referring to that this American can see from here...I will NOT be supported/subsidized by the government, tribe, or anyone else's pocketbook..not while I live and breath, but it is becoming so hard to stand under this pressure. Too many parasites kill the host. I will not be a parasite to the country I love...but I am tired of being a 'host'.
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What if we changed the topic to the Benefits of the coming,Great Depression? We all can see how wrong our Govt. now is working against our benefits.From history past we can read of the strifes our great grand parents went thru. Mine survided thru it okay and both passed with a very sizeable nest egg placed away.They were both in their 30's when the Great Depression came to be and both lived to be in their late 80's. Please remember they were farmers and corn and soybean yields were not even close to what they are today nor the selling prices. There was little mechanization. Corn had to be hand picked and hand thrown in a wagon drawn by 2 draft horses. My grandfather told me if they were done picking corn by Thanksgiving they were on time. They did not have hybrid or single cross seed corn to plant and every year the corn would fall over with the slighest wind so this meant every ear of corn harvested,my grandfather had to bend over and pull the ear off the stalk laying flat on the ground. With a 6 horse team they might be able to plow 3 acres a day from dawn til dusk. And remember these were called the Good Ole Days?
What if we changed the topic to the Benefits of the coming,Great Depression? We all can see how wrong our Govt. now is working against our benefits.From history past we can read of the strifes our great grand parents went thru. Mine survided thru it okay and both passed with a very sizeable nest egg placed away.They were both in their 30's when the Great Depression came to be and both lived to be in their late 80's. Please remember they were farmers and corn and soybean yields were not even close to what they are today nor the selling prices. There was little mechanization. Corn had to be hand picked and hand thrown in a wagon drawn by 2 draft horses. My grandfather told me if they were done picking corn by Thanksgiving they were on time. They did not have hybrid or single cross seed corn to plant and every year the corn would fall over with the slighest wind so this meant every ear of corn harvested,my grandfather had to bend over and pull the ear off the stalk laying flat on the ground. With a 6 horse team they might be able to plow 3 acres a day from dawn til dusk. And remember these were called the Good Ole Days?

This is hard to answer, because it is hard to separate some potential benefits from negative, yet satisfying, thoughts of what I would like to see happen.

For example, rounding up and viciously punishing the politicians responsible for this treason is a negative, yet very satisfying thought, yet highly beneficial potential outcome of this mess they have created.

I assume we are trying to stick to purely happy thoughts though, so here would be my list of potential benefits.

1. All the creditors, banks and other such institutions who gamble with our savings and who aided this pyramid scheme will go bust. No negativity there!

2. Too big to fail?! Not any more! :D

3. Detroit will not notice a change. Still bankrupt, still corrupt, still the same.

4. Foreign aid? Forget about it! No more borrowing trillions we don't have to give to trillions who hate us!

5. Cheap foreign imports? No more supply. No more demand.

6. Illegal immigrants invading us for work? Watch how fast they flee for our borders!

7. Obesity problem solved.

8. With no one able to afford Xbox LIVE!, a whole new generation might rediscover daylight!

9. With declining and poor ticket sales, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga will be able to enjoy an early retirement!

10. America will be driven to greater heights than ever before by necessity, which is natures greatest teacher.
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I wish people would remember that the government we have is the government that the people voted for.

99% of the ones elected to make the laws ran on giving stuff to the people and cutting taxes, that is how they got elected.
I wish people would remember that the government we have is the government that the people voted for.

99% of the ones elected to make the laws ran on giving stuff to the people and cutting taxes, that is how they got elected.

You still believe that?

We have fake protesters, fake outrage and fake politicians. We even have millions of fake YouTube views.

You do not think, that with how many millions of invasive Mexicans that have gained the vote in this country, that someone has not thought to pay off people for votes yet?

We have folks who come here, get on our systems and sell their SNAP benefits for pennies on the dollar outside of Wal-Mart. Do you honestly think their votes are not for sale to the highest bidder too?

I wish folks would remember that terrorists do not have to hijack a plane to get into this country. All they have to do is walk across our Southern border! Surely, our enemies have realized how to use this to our extreme disadvantage one way or another.

It is always easier to exploit a flaw in the current system then it is to try and start a new game.
Dennis is correct. We have the government we voted for. Sadly, there are more people wanting to get something for nothing than there are people to pay taxes to give them what they want.
Government cannot give anything to any one until it first takes it away from someone else.

People voted for increased unemployment benefits, food stamps, welfare and "free" medical care. Somebody has to pay for these things. I wish they had voted for jobs, economic opportunity and less federal regulation, but they didn't. We have what we have, and we have to learn to live with it.

As the productive part of our society is taxed to support the non productive part, the tendency will be for the productive to be less productive. Its a death spiral.
What has the President done that he didn't say he would do when he ran for office ?

I didn't realize that fake protesters and fake YouTube views elected any law makers.

You do not think that propaganda and media influences elections? I'm pretty sure that gets politicians into elected office and is the reason why we need to get lobbyists out of politics.

If fake protesters do not matter, please explain how in Thailand, there have been "protesters" with grenade launchers firing into open crowds? You think an actual protester in that country would be able to afford a rocket launcher or that you can buy those just anywhere? What about in the Ukraine right now where we are backing the "protesters"? What about those that have posed as Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street protesters and have done outrageous things in their name in order to discredit them?

What did Obama say that he would do that he has not?

1. "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it." Blatant lie and a campaign promise.

2. "I will close Guantanamo Bay." Not only did he not close it, he failed to negotiate an exchange just last week to get one of our brave soldiers back that has been captive since 2009, even when offering five persons in exchange. Major campaign promise.

3. "We will revisit the Patriot Act and overturn unconstitutional executive decisions issued during the past eight years." We all know how that turned out!

4. "We reject the tracking of citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war." NSA spying anyone?

5. "Often the best source about waste, fraud and abuse in government is an existing government employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out. Such acts of courage and patriotism . . . should be encouraged rather than stifled." Which is why the men brave enough to out our government spying on us have had to flee to foreign countries.

6. "Don’t mock the Constitution. Don’t make fun of it. Don’t suggest that it’s un-American to abide by what the Founding Fathers set up. It’s worked pretty well for over two-hundred years." Which he then proceeded to follow up with calling it a "Charter of negative liberties." and "A flawed document." which is not what you ever want to hear come out of the mouth of your President or any other government official.

7. “If we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home, we will end this war. You can take that to the bank.” Oh look! Another campaign promise shattered. I do not call a plan to pull out several years later and possibly still leaving some personnel abroad as him accomplishing this goal, do you?

8. “Today I’m pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office. This will not be easy. It will require us to make difficult decisions and face challenges we’ve long neglected. But I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay – and that means taking responsibility right now, in this administration, for getting our spending under control.” Yet another campaign promise not only broken, but one so much so that you laugh to keep from crying.

There are plenty more.

What did Obama achieve? Let's look at that too, because it is worth mentioning.

He repealed "Don't ask, don't tell.", allowing gays into our military openly, which makes us more of a target to other countries. He allowed women into combat positions, which not only makes us a target, but a laughing stock, because civilized countries do not send their women to fight their wars for them.

We got Osama Bin Laden under his term. While I credit this to the SEAL Team that got him, I'm going to be generous and credit this to Obama anyway.

He passed Obamacare. Sure, it is screwed up and resulted in insurance companies exploiting a loophole and conning those with better insurance to give up their better plans that would have been grandfathered in, but he actually managed to get something like that passed, which is pretty miraculous when you consider the political climate in this country.
Dennis is correct. We have the government we voted for. Sadly, there are more people wanting to get something for nothing than there are people to pay taxes to give them what they want.
Government cannot give anything to any one until it first takes it away from someone else.

People voted for increased unemployment benefits, food stamps, welfare and "free" medical care. Somebody has to pay for these things. I wish they had voted for jobs, economic opportunity and less federal regulation, but they didn't. We have what we have, and we have to learn to live with it.

As the productive part of our society is taxed to support the non productive part, the tendency will be for the productive to be less productive. Its a death spiral.

Americans did not vote for these things, Mexicans crossing our borders, being granted amnesty and their children becoming a new voting block and being catered to as a special interest group have got us these results.

This is why our Founding Fathers explicitly laid out a strict immigration policy.

If 10+ million Americans illegally invaded any other country and demanded rights and benefits, would they give them to us or would they shoot us on sight as an invading force? Do you think they would accept us and our children and give us all voting rights, funding and the power to alter the government in their country? OF COURSE NOT!

That's what happened here.
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