Great Depression of 2016

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It really wasn't designed to help the working class, but the non working, professionally poor. That would be the program people that live from one program to another. Somebody has to pay their bills, and it is you and I.

It isn't what most people wanted. They were sold a bill of goods. They wanted health insurance that someone else paid for. What they got is the bill for those social parasites. That lie that you could keep your doctor and health insurance was just a calculated lie.

When I retired, I kept my employer's insurance. It was costing me about $500 a month, plus the $100 a month that my former employer paid. Then there was medicare deducted from my social security check. This was getting to be real expensive.

Now it appears that my wife's insurance policy will be done in by the bureaucrats. I really need to keep her covered because she has had breast cancer twice and cancer of girl stuff once.

So, I dropped my insurance and applied for coverage by the VA. The money saved will go toward her more expensive "free health insurance."

It was really difficult leaving my doctor. He had kept us alive for 38 years. But he is about our age, and I cannot see him surviving in the new system.

Sad, but true.
Hemet, your Arkansas link says what? That some of these govt properties are not capable of being a concentration camp or at this time,is not ready to hold people? Many of the FEMA facilities are not yet capable of holding thousands of people,the fact is the govt can and will construct holding places on these properties. I'm glad you find humor in this just because you do not see tangible proof that it has already happened or occured. I live by Rantoul Illinois,Chanute Air Force base and have seen areas of the grounds that for no reason since this base was closed back in the '70's suddenly see construction in areas that are now off limits. Some of the buildings has been utilized for other projects,such as Lincolns Challenge.This is a place where young kids are sent to either shape up once and for all,or go to prison. As far as my rights being lost,perhaps it is the fact that Oslama has broken over 25 laws while in office,,

~~25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration 25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration 1.Obama Administration uses IRS to target conservative, Christian and pro-Israel organizations, donors, and citizens. 2.In an unprecedented attack on the First Amendment, the Obama Justice Department ordered criminal investigations of FOX News reporters for doing their jobs during the 2012 election year. 3.President Obama, throughout his Presidency, has refused to enforce long-established U.S. immigration laws. For example . . . ◦More than 300,000 captured illegal aliens had been processed and were awaiting deportation. But, incredibly, Obama stopped these deportations and ordered the U.S. border patrol to release many of these illegal aliens in violation of law and without explanation. ◦Congress rejected Obama's so called DREAM ACT – which would have granted permanent residency to many illegal aliens. So Obama enacted his own version of the DREAM ACT by Executive Order, thus directly defying Congress. According to Obama's Executive Order, illegal aliens can stay in America if they are under the age of 30, have been in America for at least five years, are enrolled in school or have graduated from high school, and have committed no felonies. 4.Obama has refused to build a double-barrier security fence along the U.S.-Mexican border in direct violation of the 2006 Secure Fence Act. This law requires that "at least two layers of reinforced fencing" be built along America's 650-mile border with Mexico. So far, just 40 miles of this fence have been built – most of it during the Bush Administration. 5.Obama's unconstitutional assault on your Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms. President Obama issued, in one day, 21 separate Executive Orders that attack and undermine your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Especially egregious is President Obama's Executive Orders amending the ObamaCare law to allow doctors and hospitals to investigate which patients own a gun. This outrageous Executive Order could allow the federal government to track and monitor law-abiding gun owners simply because they sought medical care. 6.Obama's assault on Christians and religious freedom. Obama's Health and Human Services Department has, on its own (without Congressional approval), issued a mandate that all health insurance plans must include coverage for abortion-inducing drugs. As a result, pro-life employers and taxpayers are now effectively required by law to pay for abortions. This mandate is an unconstitutional attack on the protections for freedom of religion and freedom of conscience in the First Amendment and the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This mandate also directly violates the ObamaCare law enacted by Congress, which prohibits any and all taxpayer funds from being used to pay for abortions. 7.Obama forced ObamaCare on an unwilling public through bribery and lying about its cost. Obama managed to secure passage of ObamaCare by one vote in the Senate by bribing senators. He bribed Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska with the notorious "Cornhusker Kickback." He bribed Senator Mary Landrieu with the infamous $300 million "Louisiana Purchase." In addition, Obama knowingly and blatantly lied to America and to Congress about how much ObamaCare would really cost. The cost of ObamaCare to the American people over the next 10 years will not be less than $1 TRILLION, as Obama promised in his nationally televised speech to the nation. Instead, the real cost of ObamaCare to the Federal Treasury is $2.4 TRILLION, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. But the true cost of ObamaCare is more like $10 TRILLION when you factor in the cost to the states, the cost to individual Americans who are now required to purchase Obama-approved health plans (the "Individual Mandate"), the cost of exploding health insurance premiums, the $716 billion ObamaCare steals from Medicare, and the increased cost to businesses of complying with ObamaCare mandates. 8.Operation Fast & Furious. "Operation Fast & Furious" was the Obama Administration's gun-running scheme that put thousands of American-made semi-automatic weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels and resulted in the death of at least one U.S. Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry. Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress and the public, claiming he didn't know about his Justice Department's Fast & Furious operation. Congress has now held Holder in contempt for defying congressional subpoenas and refusing to turn over thousands of Justice Department documents on Fast & Furious. President Obama asserted Executive Privilege to try to protect Holder. But for Executive Privilege to apply, Obama would have had to have known about Fast & Furious, making the President as culpable as Holder. Investigators suspect that Fast & Furious was an effort by the Obama Administration to discredit lawful gun ownership in America by purposefully creating gun crimes, thus inducing public outcry for gun control. When it put thousands of semi-automatic weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, the Obama Justice Department knew these guns would be used to commit crimes, perhaps even kill some Americans. Then Obama could say: "See how dangerous these guns are. We must ban them." 9."Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Regulated the Internet despite a court order from the Circuit Court of Appeals for Washington, D.C. stating that the FCC does not have the power to regulate the Internet." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 10."Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Imposed Cross-State Air Pollution Rules on the state of Texas at the last minute and without an opportunity for Texas to respond to the proposed regulation. EPA overreach was based on a dubious claim that air pollution from Texas affected a single air-quality monitor in Granite City, Illinois more than 500 miles and three states away from Texas." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 11."Department of Justice (DOJ): Rejected state voter ID statutes that are similar to those already approved by the Supreme Court of the United States. DOJ ignored section 8 of the Voting Rights Act which calls for protections against voter fraud, and used section 5 to administratively block measures to protect the integrity of elections passed by state legislatures." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 12."DOJ: In violation of 10th Amendment, sued to prevent Arizona from using reasonable measures to discourage illegal immigration within its borders. Arizona has a large number of illegal immigrants, compared to other states, and needs to be able to act to reduce the number." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 13."DOJ: Went to court to stop enforcement of Alabama's immigration reform laws, which require collection of the immigration status of public school students, require businesses to use E-Verify, and prohibit illegal immigrants from receiving public benefits." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 14."White House: Made "recess appointments" to the National Labor Relations Board and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau when Congress was NOT in recess. The Obama Administration has ignored the ruling by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals that the appointments are unconstitutional." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 15."Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): Interfered with a Michigan church's selection of its own ministers by trying to force the church to reinstate a minister who was discharged for her disagreement with the religious doctrine of the church." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 16."Department of Energy (DOE): In 2009, the Obama Administration arbitrarily broke federal law, violated various contracts, and derailed the most studied energy project in American history at Yucca Mountain by denying it a license, thus costing the American people more than $31 billion." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 17.Department of the Interior (DOI): Forced Glendale, a family-oriented town in Arizona, to become another Las Vegas against its will by granting "reservation status" to a 54-acre plot in the town, where the Tohono O'odham Indian Nation plans to build a resort and casino." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 18.Without Congressional approval, Obama gutted the work requirement for welfare recipients passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. 19.In the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, Obama illegally shortchanged bond holders in favor of Labor Unions, despite U.S. bankruptcy laws that specify that bond holders be first in line to be paid back. 20.Eager to use the killing of Osama bin Laden for political gain, Obama exposed the identity and method of operation of the Navy SEALs team that conducted the operation in Pakistan, thus exposing its members to a lifetime of risk because they have been targeted for assassination by Islamists. A short time after Obama exposed the Navy SEALs' method of operation, 22 SEALs were shot down and killed in Afghanistan. It is a violation of law for the President or any American to reveal classified military secrets. 21.President Obama established an extra-constitutional top secret "kill list" of people (including Americans) who can be summarily killed on sight – presumably by drones -- without due process. Once on Obama's kill list, an American citizen can be targeted and executed on the opinion of a single government bureaucrat. That's not how our legal system is supposed to work. 22.Obama Administration officials twisted the arms of defense contractors to not issue layoff notices in October of 2012 so as to avoid causing bad news for Obama right before the election — even though federal law (the "WARN Act") requires such notices. ; Not only is this a violation of the WARN Act, it's also an unlawful use of federal officials for campaign purposes. 23.President Obama intervened militarily in Libya in 2011 without the Congressional approval required by the War Powers Act. 24.Obama knowingly lied to Congress and the American people about the killing of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya. The President and his representatives repeatedly said an anti-Islamic video sparked a spontaneous uprising in Libya that resulted in the killings even though Obama knew that the attack was a well-planned military-style assault by al Qaeda on the anniversary of September 11. 25.Michelle Obama's family trip to Africa in June of 2011, including a private safari at a South African game reserve, cost American taxpayers $424,000 for air travel alone. Mrs. Obama brought along both her makeup artist and hairstylist, as well as her mother, a niece and nephew, and her daughters, who were listed as "senior staff members."

Perhaps you feel the need to stand up for this president but he has done nothing but make me weary each week of what other wierd maladies this puppet will try to force on the American public.I've watched so many of his lies repeated on his healthcare promises on the news i put more vallue in the truths of cartoons about him. You have your opinion,and I have mine unless that freedom of speech is also soon to be taken away? But to turn a blind eye to everything is just what the govt wants you to do.Go about your daily business and just sit back and watch the world slowly crumble around you. Thats your choice too.
I know it is really hard for people to get to grips with what you call socialised medicine and we call a national health service, but I do urge you to give it a chance. It is unfathomable to me that a retired person has to struggle to afford the medical insurance for himself and his wife who has had cancer.

I know that everyone in my family, my street, my town, my county, my whole country, can get the treatment they need for nothing except the contribution that they pay in with their income tax, which is only a fraction of what you pay a month. That is 12% on your earnings between 149 and 797 pounds a week. If you earn less than £149 you pay nothing. Earn more the £797 a week and you pay an additional 2%. Bear in mind that this also gives you a basic state pension of approximately £150 a week.

What does it cover? Everything except there is a prescription charge on working people of £7.85 per item, regardless of cost of the drug. You can even save money on this if you need a regular prescription by buying a certificate for £104 that entitles you to 12 months prescriptions with no more payments. Children, the unemployed, retired people and those on low incomes get free prescriptions. You pay nothing for however many visits you make to the doctor, all hospital treatment all investigations, blood tests, x-rays, scans, mammograms etc are free, as is all maternity care, visits to infant welfare clinics and a full vaccination programme for children.

I would like to direct you to 'Youtube, Comparing British and US healthcare systems.' The young lady featured makes a far better explanation than I.
Hemet, your Arkansas link says what? That some of these govt properties are not capable of being a concentration camp or at this time,is not ready to hold people? Many of the FEMA facilities are not yet capable of holding thousands of people,the fact is the govt can and will construct holding places on these properties. I'm glad you find humor in this just because you do not see tangible proof that it has already happened or occured. I live by Rantoul Illinois,Chanute Air Force base and have seen areas of the grounds that for no reason since this base was closed back in the '70's suddenly see construction in areas that are now off limits. Some of the buildings has been utilized for other projects,such as Lincolns Challenge.This is a place where young kids are sent to either shape up once and for all,or go to prison. As far as my rights being lost,perhaps it is the fact that Oslama has broken over 25 laws while in office,,

~~25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration 25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration 1.Obama Administration uses IRS to target conservative, Christian and pro-Israel organizations, donors, and citizens. 2.In an unprecedented attack on the First Amendment, the Obama Justice Department ordered criminal investigations of FOX News reporters for doing their jobs during the 2012 election year. 3.President Obama, throughout his Presidency, has refused to enforce long-established U.S. immigration laws. For example . . . ◦More than 300,000 captured illegal aliens had been processed and were awaiting deportation. But, incredibly, Obama stopped these deportations and ordered the U.S. border patrol to release many of these illegal aliens in violation of law and without explanation. ◦Congress rejected Obama's so called DREAM ACT – which would have granted permanent residency to many illegal aliens. So Obama enacted his own version of the DREAM ACT by Executive Order, thus directly defying Congress. According to Obama's Executive Order, illegal aliens can stay in America if they are under the age of 30, have been in America for at least five years, are enrolled in school or have graduated from high school, and have committed no felonies. 4.Obama has refused to build a double-barrier security fence along the U.S.-Mexican border in direct violation of the 2006 Secure Fence Act. This law requires that "at least two layers of reinforced fencing" be built along America's 650-mile border with Mexico. So far, just 40 miles of this fence have been built – most of it during the Bush Administration. 5.Obama's unconstitutional assault on your Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms. President Obama issued, in one day, 21 separate Executive Orders that attack and undermine your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Especially egregious is President Obama's Executive Orders amending the ObamaCare law to allow doctors and hospitals to investigate which patients own a gun. This outrageous Executive Order could allow the federal government to track and monitor law-abiding gun owners simply because they sought medical care. 6.Obama's assault on Christians and religious freedom. Obama's Health and Human Services Department has, on its own (without Congressional approval), issued a mandate that all health insurance plans must include coverage for abortion-inducing drugs. As a result, pro-life employers and taxpayers are now effectively required by law to pay for abortions. This mandate is an unconstitutional attack on the protections for freedom of religion and freedom of conscience in the First Amendment and the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This mandate also directly violates the ObamaCare law enacted by Congress, which prohibits any and all taxpayer funds from being used to pay for abortions. 7.Obama forced ObamaCare on an unwilling public through bribery and lying about its cost. Obama managed to secure passage of ObamaCare by one vote in the Senate by bribing senators. He bribed Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska with the notorious "Cornhusker Kickback." He bribed Senator Mary Landrieu with the infamous $300 million "Louisiana Purchase." In addition, Obama knowingly and blatantly lied to America and to Congress about how much ObamaCare would really cost. The cost of ObamaCare to the American people over the next 10 years will not be less than $1 TRILLION, as Obama promised in his nationally televised speech to the nation. Instead, the real cost of ObamaCare to the Federal Treasury is $2.4 TRILLION, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. But the true cost of ObamaCare is more like $10 TRILLION when you factor in the cost to the states, the cost to individual Americans who are now required to purchase Obama-approved health plans (the "Individual Mandate"), the cost of exploding health insurance premiums, the $716 billion ObamaCare steals from Medicare, and the increased cost to businesses of complying with ObamaCare mandates. 8.Operation Fast & Furious. "Operation Fast & Furious" was the Obama Administration's gun-running scheme that put thousands of American-made semi-automatic weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels and resulted in the death of at least one U.S. Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry. Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress and the public, claiming he didn't know about his Justice Department's Fast & Furious operation. Congress has now held Holder in contempt for defying congressional subpoenas and refusing to turn over thousands of Justice Department documents on Fast & Furious. President Obama asserted Executive Privilege to try to protect Holder. But for Executive Privilege to apply, Obama would have had to have known about Fast & Furious, making the President as culpable as Holder. Investigators suspect that Fast & Furious was an effort by the Obama Administration to discredit lawful gun ownership in America by purposefully creating gun crimes, thus inducing public outcry for gun control. When it put thousands of semi-automatic weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, the Obama Justice Department knew these guns would be used to commit crimes, perhaps even kill some Americans. Then Obama could say: "See how dangerous these guns are. We must ban them." 9."Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Regulated the Internet despite a court order from the Circuit Court of Appeals for Washington, D.C. stating that the FCC does not have the power to regulate the Internet." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 10."Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Imposed Cross-State Air Pollution Rules on the state of Texas at the last minute and without an opportunity for Texas to respond to the proposed regulation. EPA overreach was based on a dubious claim that air pollution from Texas affected a single air-quality monitor in Granite City, Illinois more than 500 miles and three states away from Texas." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 11."Department of Justice (DOJ): Rejected state voter ID statutes that are similar to those already approved by the Supreme Court of the United States. DOJ ignored section 8 of the Voting Rights Act which calls for protections against voter fraud, and used section 5 to administratively block measures to protect the integrity of elections passed by state legislatures." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 12."DOJ: In violation of 10th Amendment, sued to prevent Arizona from using reasonable measures to discourage illegal immigration within its borders. Arizona has a large number of illegal immigrants, compared to other states, and needs to be able to act to reduce the number." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 13."DOJ: Went to court to stop enforcement of Alabama's immigration reform laws, which require collection of the immigration status of public school students, require businesses to use E-Verify, and prohibit illegal immigrants from receiving public benefits." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 14."White House: Made "recess appointments" to the National Labor Relations Board and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau when Congress was NOT in recess. The Obama Administration has ignored the ruling by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals that the appointments are unconstitutional." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 15."Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): Interfered with a Michigan church's selection of its own ministers by trying to force the church to reinstate a minister who was discharged for her disagreement with the religious doctrine of the church." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 16."Department of Energy (DOE): In 2009, the Obama Administration arbitrarily broke federal law, violated various contracts, and derailed the most studied energy project in American history at Yucca Mountain by denying it a license, thus costing the American people more than $31 billion." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 17.Department of the Interior (DOI): Forced Glendale, a family-oriented town in Arizona, to become another Las Vegas against its will by granting "reservation status" to a 54-acre plot in the town, where the Tohono O'odham Indian Nation plans to build a resort and casino." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General) 18.Without Congressional approval, Obama gutted the work requirement for welfare recipients passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. 19.In the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, Obama illegally shortchanged bond holders in favor of Labor Unions, despite U.S. bankruptcy laws that specify that bond holders be first in line to be paid back. 20.Eager to use the killing of Osama bin Laden for political gain, Obama exposed the identity and method of operation of the Navy SEALs team that conducted the operation in Pakistan, thus exposing its members to a lifetime of risk because they have been targeted for assassination by Islamists. A short time after Obama exposed the Navy SEALs' method of operation, 22 SEALs were shot down and killed in Afghanistan. It is a violation of law for the President or any American to reveal classified military secrets. 21.President Obama established an extra-constitutional top secret "kill list" of people (including Americans) who can be summarily killed on sight – presumably by drones -- without due process. Once on Obama's kill list, an American citizen can be targeted and executed on the opinion of a single government bureaucrat. That's not how our legal system is supposed to work. 22.Obama Administration officials twisted the arms of defense contractors to not issue layoff notices in October of 2012 so as to avoid causing bad news for Obama right before the election — even though federal law (the "WARN Act") requires such notices. ; Not only is this a violation of the WARN Act, it's also an unlawful use of federal officials for campaign purposes. 23.President Obama intervened militarily in Libya in 2011 without the Congressional approval required by the War Powers Act. 24.Obama knowingly lied to Congress and the American people about the killing of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya. The President and his representatives repeatedly said an anti-Islamic video sparked a spontaneous uprising in Libya that resulted in the killings even though Obama knew that the attack was a well-planned military-style assault by al Qaeda on the anniversary of September 11. 25.Michelle Obama's family trip to Africa in June of 2011, including a private safari at a South African game reserve, cost American taxpayers $424,000 for air travel alone. Mrs. Obama brought along both her makeup artist and hairstylist, as well as her mother, a niece and nephew, and her daughters, who were listed as "senior staff members."

Perhaps you feel the need to stand up for this president but he has done nothing but make me weary each week of what other wierd maladies this puppet will try to force on the American public.I've watched so many of his lies repeated on his healthcare promises on the news i put more vallue in the truths of cartoons about him. You have your opinion,and I have mine unless that freedom of speech is also soon to be taken away? But to turn a blind eye to everything is just what the govt wants you to do.Go about your daily business and just sit back and watch the world slowly crumble around you. Thats your choice too.

So now your claim is that FEMA death camps could happen. And little green men from Mars could show up to eat us all. Here is some information on that Air Force base,
"Parts of Chanute AFB have been converted to civilian and other alternative uses. Many of the Air Force base's buildings and facilities have found new life with purposes that range from motels, retirement communities, restaurants, a fitness center, an aerospace museum, a prominent data center and several light manufacturing facilities.[citation needed] The golf course, once only available to service members and their guests, is now privately owned and open to the public. The housing on base, once comprising homes for airmen with families, is now occupied by civilians.[citation needed] Many buildings still remain unoccupied and are slowly deteriorating due to lack of maintenance. Widespread use of asbestos and the discovery of toxic chemical dumps have forced the condemnation of certain parts of the former base.
The Chanute AFB airfield and its associated hangars and flight line facilities have been converted into an uncontrolled general aviation airport known as the Rantoul National Aviation Center / Frank Elliott Field. The latter title is derived from the late Major General Frank W. Elliott, Jr., USAF,[10] former Chanute Technical Center Commander and the City of Rantoul's Economic Development Consultant following closure of Chanute AFB.[11] An aviation-centric museum, the Octave Chanute Aerospace Museum, is also located on the former Chanute AFB site, commemorating much of the installation's military history as Chanute Field and Chanute AFB. Finally, a 6-month military boot camp academy program, the Lincoln's ChalleNGe Academy, is run for troubled youths, ages 16–18, by the Illinois Army National Guard and the Illinois Air National Guard in other former Chanute AFB facilities."

So does it surprise anyone that there would be some parts that are restricted ?

You show nothing of any of your rights being taken.

I'm not going to go through each of your 25 things, I will address them one at a time if you post them one at a time.

So the first one.
"1.Obama Administration uses IRS to target conservative, Christian and pro-Israel organizations, donors, and citizens."

Do you have any proof of this ? If you do you should post it. Now was there people that did that, I would say yes.

Then you seem to think I'm standing up for the President, well when you have proof I would be one of the first to say he should go to jail. But I do think that he is a bad leader that should never have been elected President. I didn't vote for him. If someone or group was accusing you of setting up death camps for chickens without proof I would standup for you and demand that they show proof before condemning you. That's the way things are done in this country, and the system that I served in the military to defend. I wont just standby and let a mob rule.
I know it is really hard for people to get to grips with what you call socialised medicine and we call a national health service, but I do urge you to give it a chance. It is unfathomable to me that a retired person has to struggle to afford the medical insurance for himself and his wife who has had cancer.
It IS true, as so many of my FB friends and families have to reduce themselves to the mercy of unfortunate ways of socialized medicine. Day after day, I heard this over and over, it has gotten so cost prohibitive that they had no choice but to do without OR quitting a job so they can reduce themselves under that "allowable income" for free medical care. No one should ever have to go without insurance or turn away from being treated from the ER or mental health status but sadly, it is much more commonplace, particuarly in the state of Illinois. For a year and half, hubby got laid off, his health insurance terminated, our doctors visits and counseling sessions (for AS counseling for daughter) was terminated. It was a huge mess and more messier because we could not get the medications (for me and my daughter, so it whittled down to just me for ONE medication, that is all we could afford and much more urgent than my daughter's needs and more life threatening). I was so ****** off at the government that we are just reduced way below "basic needs" of medical care and our family doctors now refused to see hubby but will see me or daughter due to critiqueria to "needs" (a child needs the mother more than the father) so hubby has to go to a free clinic or pay out of pocket. He also need counseling for his AS/AM counseling. No wonder people's mental and physical statuses are going haywire due to pressing needs and arupted sessions they have been going to it for years now stopped. All the insurance companies are telling people, no it is NOT covered now, sorry! Imagine the frustrations and I predict many more divorces, break ups of family dynamics going on and many more of us will be on the welfare blocks a lot more quicker. In our state, you are only allowed up to two years of welfare (SNAPS, food, cash, etc) and after that, you are on your own. That I can understand perfectly but our state is so backwards in the employment status, it is a wonder how this city keeps on going. As one Decaturite said, "Look out, we will be another Detriot"........ughh!
My heart goes out to you Ewesheep, as you would not have to find the money for any of that treatment here. Of course nothing in this life is free. It is paid for along with taxes. Some say our taxes are higher than yours, this I can't answer? What I do know is that nobody is too poor to receive treatment even if they have never been able to pay in a penny in their lives, they are entitled to exactly the same treatment as the rich man who has been in the happy position of being able to contribute throughout his working life. You might think people would resent that but the vast majority don't. Even people from wealthier backgrounds are familiar with the idea that there exists pockets of deprivation where people, through no fault of their own, cannot find jobs and where 50 applicants chase every job available. There seems to be far more understanding and concern with poverty here. There are lots of documentary TV programmes that expose the plight of the poor and most are shamed by the injustice of poverty especially in families with small children. They are not despised or considered workshy trash, because we know that could be our story and our fate if our business, factory, offices closed down. 'There but by the grace of God, go I!'
Dennis, it is easy to poo poo those that believe in the FEMA death camps. But then again, we encounter people like this:

Now this scares me. Going to jail for thinking contrary to the party line! These are not your run of the mill nuts; no they are people in positions of trust. Sometimes they are members of the party apparatchik. Often they are members of the Congress. God help us, what have we done when we elected these loonies?

The government can hunt down and prosecute those Amish farmers with their raw milk, but they can't and won't do anything about the drug dealers peddling their poison on the public street.

They seem to want to legalize marijuana and then other drugs, but they want to stamp out big sugary drinks.

They dictate what kids can get in their school lunches, but their parents can buy three hundred dollars of candy and tobacco with their EBT cards.

I wish it was 1955 again.
Dennis, it is easy to poo poo those that believe in the FEMA death camps. But then again, we encounter people like this:

Now this scares me. Going to jail for thinking contrary to the party line! These are not your run of the mill nuts; no they are people in positions of trust. Sometimes they are members of the party apparatchik. Often they are members of the Congress. God help us, what have we done when we elected these loonies?

The government can hunt down and prosecute those Amish farmers with their raw milk, but they can't and won't do anything about the drug dealers peddling their poison on the public street.

They seem to want to legalize marijuana and then other drugs, but they want to stamp out big sugary drinks.

They dictate what kids can get in their school lunches, but their parents can buy three hundred dollars of candy and tobacco with their EBT cards.

I wish it was 1955 again.

How many people on here have said all the bankers should be put in prison ?

Why some people say that FEMA has and is setting up death camps and then you confront them with the fact. Then they say well the government could set them up, well heck the government could setup Disney parks in all those locations just as easily.

The government does hunt down farmers selling raw milk, but they will visit the ones that are advertising.
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