Great Depression of 2016

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Dennis, it was 2012 when the currency swaps were set up. Go back and read the articles. I can't believe you think that pushing that much currency into the system would not cause inflation. Anyway, believe what you want, but don't be surprised when the price of everything goes up.
Dennis, it was 2012 when the currency swaps were set up. Go back and read the articles. I can't believe you think that pushing that much currency into the system would not cause inflation. Anyway, believe what you want, but don't be surprised when the price of everything goes up.
(Reuters) - Top central banks around the world on Thursday renewed a series of currency swap lines set up during the 2007-2009 financial crisis, providing a precaution against future market strains.
The U.S. Federal Reserve said it had extended for another year the dollar swaps with the European Central Bank, Bank of Canada, Bank of England and Swiss National Bank. The announcement was released at the same time by the other central banks.

As you can easily see it was 2007 that currency swap were started.

Believe what you want, but the fact is there will be no hyper inflation.
Dennis, it is those established in 2012 by China and other countries that concern me. It is a dollar avoidance system. It sets up methods of trade without using the US currency. Other nations saw that the US was ruining its currency.

As for when and if inflation happens, time will tell.
Just a little story for page 101. It is not meant to be a criticism, but I think illustrates the dangers of letting our imaginations run away with us, and also opens the debate, 'How accurate are national characteristics?'

My son-in-law was serving with the RAF in Afghanistan at Camp Bastion. One morning he went for breakfast and there were no sausages. As he waited in line to collect his food a group of US servicemen arrived in the queue. The conversation went something like this: ', What! no sausages? Where was the supply plane bringing them in? Do you think it was shot down? Is it because it was carrying pork products that they shot it down?' Before my SIL had collected his breakfast they had devised a whole scenario whereby the plane had been shot down by the Taliban because it contained pork and that was offensive to some religious beliefs. Chinese whispers?

Some have the reputation of having a stiff upper lip, but as we know, as many don't have this as do! Some have the reputation of being 'panic mongers' who see reds under every day, but again, as many are not like this as are like it. What do others think?
Just a little story for page 101. It is not meant to be a criticism, but I think illustrates the dangers of letting our imaginations run away with us, and also opens the debate, 'How accurate are national characteristics?'

My son-in-law was serving with the RAF in Afghanistan at Camp Bastion. One morning he went for breakfast and there were no sausages. As he waited in line to collect his food a group of US servicemen arrived in the queue. The conversation went something like this: ', What! no sausages? Where was the supply plane bringing them in? Do you think it was shot down? Is it because it was carrying pork products that they shot it down?' Before my SIL had collected his breakfast they had devised a whole scenario whereby the plane had been shot down by the Taliban because it contained pork and that was offensive to some religious beliefs. Chinese whispers?

Some have the reputation of having a stiff upper lip, but as we know, as many don't have this as do! Some have the reputation of being 'panic mongers' who see reds under every day, but again, as many are not like this as are like it. What do others think?

I think I'm more sorry for the men on that plane than the pork.
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