Great Depression of 2016

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Even if every adult of working age did work though, they would still have to pay taxes in order to finance the country. Whether it is taken out of earnings or as a purchase tax, it still has to be collected by the government.
And why should we be concerned about where and when Tiger Woods pays taxes? If he does well, so much the better. He is not a drag on the economy; he is not on welfare or food stamps. No, he is out there working and doing well. Why should he have to support a bunch of social parasites that won't get off of their duffs and go to work?

Think about it! Why should the people that work and produce have to carry those that won't? The system encourages indolence and dependency.
I am sure he pays his fair share of other taxes like property and sales tax where he lives, it all ha to do with where the state and local governments get their money from, some people pay their fair share and choose one area over another for many reasons including cost of living (i will broaden that term to include all applicable taxes for it does come out of the money one uses to live on)
We need a system that encourages work, thrift, savings and investment. The current system fails on all counts. A national sales tax would probably be more workable. The old Spanish acabala system would be more just. Collect five per cent on all transactions, and that would do it. The problem with that system is that it tends to create black markets.

But given government's current ability to monitor and audit and ruthlessly prosecute, I suspect that would be a minor problem.
Well, it looks like the numbers are not good. The US economy isn't growing and the Chinese economy is. In fact it is doing great.

Maybe it is time for us to take a "USA first attitude." Donald Trump says that we should put a twenty five per cent tariff on all imports from China. That and other tariffs would solve our tax problems. It also would breath some life back into our industrial sector. Let's put our people back to work before we waste any more money on people that hate us.

We need to end the Food for Peace program. Let those countries plant more wheat and less opium poppies.

We have been blessed with a second chance in the energy field. Natural gas is the fuel of the future, and if we play our cards right, we will be energy independent soon. Let's not drop the ball on this. We need to forget about food stamps, put down the crack pipe and get back to work. There is more to life than that Colorado Wacky Weed.

I am optimistic about our future, if we do what we need to do. The next great miracle will be desalination of sea water. That will make the great deserts of the world bloom. Suddenly, the world will not be over populated, but under populated as the food base expands.

We need to discover the secret of the mangrove.
rufus, has Trump decided if he's throwing his hat in the ring for the Presidential election yet? I'm a bit behind on my news, I've been busy trying to keep a small business afloat in a tragic economy.
Well, it looks like the numbers are not good. The US economy isn't growing and the Chinese economy is. In fact it is doing great.

Maybe it is time for us to take a "USA first attitude." Donald Trump says that we should put a twenty five per cent tariff on all imports from China. That and other tariffs would solve our tax problems. It also would breath some life back into our industrial sector. Let's put our people back to work before we waste any more money on people that hate us.

We need to end the Food for Peace program. Let those countries plant more wheat and less opium poppies.

We have been blessed with a second chance in the energy field. Natural gas is the fuel of the future, and if we play our cards right, we will be energy independent soon. Let's not drop the ball on this. We need to forget about food stamps, put down the crack pipe and get back to work. There is more to life than that Colorado Wacky Weed.

I am optimistic about our future, if we do what we need to do. The next great miracle will be desalination of sea water. That will make the great deserts of the world bloom. Suddenly, the world will not be over populated, but under populated as the food base expands.

We need to discover the secret of the mangrove.

Do you see any downside of that 25% duty on Chinese imports ?
Nope. The Chinese buy one of everything from us, then they copy it and flood the market with it.

Trump will not run for public office. He is too outspoken, and the media will twist his words and lie about his positions. The news media have become the propaganda media. Truth doesn't count, just the political outcome does.

I am worried that the powers that be are pushing the US into a one party state. That is not a good thing for the people or the nation as a whole.
Nope. The Chinese buy one of everything from us, then they copy it and flood the market with it.

Trump will not run for public office. He is too outspoken, and the media will twist his words and lie about his positions. The news media have become the propaganda media. Truth doesn't count, just the political outcome does.

I am worried that the powers that be are pushing the US into a one party state. That is not a good thing for the people or the nation as a whole.

Well China is our third biggest export market, after Canada and Mexico. About $120 billion dollars worth. What will happen to those jobs ?
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