Great Depression of 2016

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Rumors, fallacies, and blatant ignorance are carried (and worse, disseminated) by haters, fools, and idiots.
Facts, not as you will them, but as they are... truth, not as you wish it were, but accepted for what it is... and education (cultured as one) is the only viable inoculation
against the real 'virus' that is ever so slowly breaking this country down and morphing it into the very thing that will surely kill it.
I am so sorry, but eyewitness testimony is one of the most inaccurate forms of evidence. People will state that the offender was black when the camera clearly shows he is white, and vice versa.

You have no idea of how many supposed "witnesses" felt that the police overreacted when they used forcible methods to try and stop an individual who had already killed to traffic officers who had stopped him.

I am sorry someone died, but I've reached a point in my life when I feel like if one insists on being disruptive, such as blocking traffic, or choking out store clerks, one shouldn't be particularly surprised if chaos comes into your life. I suppose it probably is related to the fact that it seems the laws aren't enforced equally, and how my neighborhood had to put up with illegal alien gangsters, and when we asked cops and the city to do something about it - I think it is sort of embarrassing to have drug dealers doing business within a block of the Junior High School - we were supposed to put up with it because the poor criminal psychopath could be deported if convicted and that could "break up a family" while no one gave a rodent's rump about what happens to the families of the people the thugs murder. The last time I checked, being murdered sort of permanently disrupts one's family life.

You have a point. However, none of the witnesses back up the police version of events. Between the cops and the witnesses I'll take the witnesses. You can believe whomever you like. But you are not in Missouri
Witness statements in the local press contradict what the police are saying. All of them say he was not attacking the police and that he had his hands up when he was shot. Now, that is what I heard on the local news. The local reporters aren't happy with the cops either, by the way. Several of them got arrested. I didn't tune into the national news so I have no idea what was broadcast there..

So he was 5'3"and weighed 98 pounds?

I can't figure out why the patrol cars didn't have the forward looking cameras.

I don't know what happened.

I think we need to see where the investigation leads.

It is possible that the police could be testilying.
According to witness statements taken right after the incident, and there were several of them, he was not attacking the police, he was not resisting, and he had his hands up when he was shot. There were no independent witnesses that corroborated what the police said happened. Between believing the cops in this state and believing the witnesses, I believe the witnesses. As for the true facts, I was quoting local news sources who, by the way, have had their own run ins with the local law enforcement officers. Our cops don't like those nosy reporters and they like citizens taking pictures of them even less.

Cassoe. neither of us were there. Could the police be lying? Yes; it is such a common thing that lawyers have given it a nickname - testilying. Judges don't like it, and neither do I.

We don't know. Someone will have to do a reconstruction and an analysis, and obtain all of the witness identifications. And even then we may never know.

In the meantime, it would be nice if everyone calmed down, took three deep breaths, and stopped rioting.
Yes, it seems like we are getting more Mexican restuarants around here...I mean ALOT. Granted some of them are pretty legal and some worked shady jobs. Kudos for them trying to make a living in the legal way but if they came over here expecting a hand out, I'm not too keen on that idea. I don't know of their situation so case by case will be considered. Many of them have left the service business, who knows where they went afterwards.

As for hubby, I don't know how many times he got ****** about "those" people coming in temp services, walking out with grins on their faces.......they got the job as soon as they walked in for summer work. They got first dibs and while the others like my hubby, some of them were his co workers from the job he was laid off, were pretty ****** that they are all applying for the SAME job, strong desire to work whatever they can at that point, even to the point they are making minimum wages just to get by. Again and again, hubby and his coworkers faced this dilemma, ended up being discouraged....many of them were long time employees of a well known company. Cat are not even hiring permanent employees, with the stipulations the new hires will be out of the door within a year........they are not going to keep anyone longer than a year. Easier to do the revolving door in this town.
So you are the only, or one of the few whom have all the facts, know all the truth, and have obtained a cultured education? I beg to disagree. I may not have all the facts, and I defiantly don't know the whole truth of what happened that night but neither do you. the only one who had all that information is dead.
Kudos for them trying to make a living in the legal way but if they came over here expecting a hand out, I'm not too keen on that idea. I don't know of their situation so case by case will be considered. Many of them have left the service business, who knows where they went afterwards.
This is directed at everyone, not any'one'...
Your 'forefathers' came over here on BOATS expecting the same thing, and look what the American Indian got for giving YOU a helping hand. The 'Mexicans' or Illegals, as you label them, were here before ALL of you and your 'people' shoved them back in the 'corner' of the country and acted like you 'deserved' (through genocide, slavery, oppression, etc.) one of the biggest 'hand-outs' in world history.
I can't un-see the flaw in that logic...and, I would bet, again, almost all of you have taken a 'hand' out from the government, in one form or another (taxes, including the refunds, write-offs etc.), and who here hasn't, or if it's still here, will be, excepting Social Security (the biggest hand out in modern US history) then there is farm subsidies, unemployment...etc. etc. etc.
If the US didn't have immigrants, PAST and PRESENT, we would still be a third world entity. You have gotten pretty much everything you have, due in large part(s), to immigrants.
Lady Liberty told ALL of you to share her freedom, your constitution tells you that we are ALL created equal! Your God tells you we are ALL His children!
Get over it. If we used a case by case 'basis', you would be the 'first' to go.
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