Great Depression of 2016

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I see Belgium is seeking to repatriate seven billion dollars worth of gold that has been stored in the UK since the 1930's. I sure hope it is still there, and not lent out or rented out or somehow misappropriated.

It would be best if the returned gold was tested, just to be sure.

What will happen with Greece? If they go off the euro and print drachmas, it will make their economy soar. Now, those countries using the euro cannot devalue their currencies. By going off the euro, Greece's exports become cheaper for the rest of Europe.

If Greece goes off the euro, I can see Spain, Portugal and Italy doing likewise.

It may be the beginning of the end for the euro.
I see Belgium is seeking to repatriate seven billion dollars worth of gold that has been stored in the UK since the 1930's. I sure hope it is still there, and not lent out or rented out or somehow misappropriated.

It would be best if the returned gold was tested, just to be sure.

What will happen with Greece? If they go off the euro and print drachmas, it will make their economy soar. Now, those countries using the euro cannot devalue their currencies. By going off the euro, Greece's exports become cheaper for the rest of Europe.

If Greece goes off the euro, I can see Spain, Portugal and Italy doing likewise.

It may be the beginning of the end for the euro.

Well by that thinking then the UK economy should be soaring, along with the Polish, Czeck Rep., Hungary, and a host of other countries. They don't use the EURO, are they soaring ?
Why would Greece be so special ?
I have to put my two cents in.... The one thing we have that will make a difference during an economic meltdown is the Barter System. Those of us who can produce food will get along just fine using this system to swap for the things we need. However, I suggest to stock up on ammo now because it could reach a point you may have to defend yourselves from home invaders. I watched the video of the CIA Financial Analyist and he predicted a economic crash much worse then the Great Depression and how China itself is on the verge of financial ruin. Gird your loins and get prepared.
I too have watched his video and the actual numbers he knows and compares to the Great Depression is staggering The debt this nation now has in unsecured interests such as student loans makes out national debt seem small. Although the video is rather long,this man has the facts and figures to back up what really is going on in this country. It's coming and when it does it's going to hurt a very,very long time for sure.
I too have watched his video and the actual numbers he knows and compares to the Great Depression is staggering The debt this nation now has in unsecured interests such as student loans makes out national debt seem small. Although the video is rather long,this man has the facts and figures to back up what really is going on in this country. It's coming and when it does it's going to hurt a very,very long time for sure.

Bullets. Beans. Bandaids. <3

The root of the problem is that governments around the world think that everyone is entitled to a good life, no matter if they work and produce or if they lay back and live off of the system.

In Greece, people retire at age 48. About a third of the workforce is government employees. Now they want the countries of northern Europe to pay for them to continue that life style even as their own country is bankrupt. They may have negotiated a short respite, but eventually they will have to face up to reality. It is like a junkie asking for just one more fix.

Because Greece is using the Euro, they cannot devalue their currency. If they were still on the drachma, devaluing would make their products cheaper in the world market.

But, I ask you, just what does Greece produce anyway? Everything is made in China now days. The Greeks have little to sell to the world except olive oil and funky cheese. The world can do without that.

Does it sound a lot like the US?

To see our future, we just have to look at Venezuela. They have shortages of everything except political rhetoric. If someone complains or suggest an alternative solution, they get arrested.

People don't work if they don't get paid. Businesses don't produce products if they can't make money. Mandated price controls produce scarcity. People end up standing in line just for a chance to buy toilet paper. Who gets to wipe today?

Liberals think taps produce water; they don't realize there is a lot of pipes and hard work involved.

If you still have a little bit of wealth left, I sure wouldn't put it into gold. That is the first thing that the government would confiscate. Small silver coins and real copper cents will always have value, and it will be next to impossible for the government to take them away from everyone.

Also, the government through the fed can print endless amounts of money. But they cannot print jars of peanut butter or beans and bacon. Get your stash and hide it away. Government's forte is taking away from those that produce and giving it to those that won't produce.

The food stampers of this nation will turn very ugly the day they don't get their easy life. Be prepared.
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Our govt makes it so easy for most of the american public to rely on them for security.Have 5-6 kids and never get married,,, the US Taxpayers will supply food stamps to all of them. The mother is overweight and claims she cannot work because of all her kids needs,so our Govt.give her a welfare check and kids with free lunchs in school. Since mother doesn't have a job and her kids may get sick and unhealthy,lets provide the entire family with free healthcare or subsidized Obamacare. Our citizens has became too dependant on Govt handouts and in the case of a worldwide crisis this is just what our Govt wants. If you accept handouts now and then something catastrophic happens,you either follow what the govt says,or risk losing all the freebies. For those who's been in the system for decades and has nothing you can bet if they're told to do this or do that,they will eagerly oblige.

Being able to sustain you and your family on your own will be the key to survival. City residents has no idea how the basic care and raising of animals takes place. Once the grocery store shelves are empty these people will become the first to commit crimes,you can bet on it. So many news stories that has been hidden away for the past few years all makes sense now. Look at the huge ammunition shortage last year. And all the so called "Patriot Act" laws such as if you have more than a few days of food stockpiled,your hoarding and can be arrested. Once again,this gives the Govt power over anyone,either because they could have you locked up for this,or you just starve away after they confiscate your food stockpile. Or,do as they say and once again your dependent on the Govt for food. This country is nutts and we have a real life nuttjob as a president. His executive orders shows he has no concern of the voting publics views,,especially on immigration. If something catastrophic happens in the next 23 months,you can bet this nuttjob pres will stay in office because during times of crisis he can stay put.
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