Great Depression of 2016

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Some people get so bent when you just ask a question.

Makes you wonder what their agenda is.
I have no "agenda". It's the simple fact that more times than not when I do come here and read your always the person who staunchly is asking for proof or validation of any ones posts,,or like in my recent post asking where I copied it from. It's easier to just ignore a whining child than constantly answer it's whims that serves no purpose at all. Now I have an agenda?? Why have you even bothered to post twice with comments like these? Wait,don't bother replying back because I'm sure it too won't be worth replying back to,just as your previous two posts have been
If the left wing media accuses others of being racist, homophobic and misogynistic often enough, the charges loose their effect. People say, "so what." Then they accept the labels, but often they accept the actions of the labels.

I am afraid the leftist are writing their own epitaph.
I have no "agenda". It's the simple fact that more times than not when I do come here and read your always the person who staunchly is asking for proof or validation of any ones posts,,or like in my recent post asking where I copied it from. It's easier to just ignore a whining child than constantly answer it's whims that serves no purpose at all. Now I have an agenda?? Why have you even bothered to post twice with comments like these? Wait,don't bother replying back because I'm sure it too won't be worth replying back to,just as your previous two posts have been

French Copper, I think Dennis likes to play the Devil's Advocate on a lot of issues. He sometimes brings another view point to the discussion. If his opinion doesn't jive with mine, that is his right. I just hit the ignore button.
Well assisted living is usually refers to retirement homes. Most are separated into assisted living and skilled nursing. Some also have locked Alzheimer wings or floors.

I think in the context of how you used the term assisted living was wrong, so I asked before assuming it was you using it wrong.

What's wrong with asking for proof of something ? If I was saying you were doing something illegal on some site would you want someone to ask me for proof ?

Some of you should get some tougher skin on you.

Yep Dennis, I think you stand a better chance living under a bridge than in one of those institutions. I suspect they give the people some drugs to keep them quiet. Sometimes they seem lucid and at other times they are in Lalaland. I think it depends upon when they were given their medicine.

Another place I recommend people avoid is Indian Health Service.

I go to the VA now, and so far, it seems to be alright. I go see the oncologist tomorrow, and I hope everything is alright.

The last time I was there, some fellow brought his friend in for chemo. The guy looked to be at death's door. Later I went to the men's room, and that guy was in there crying his eyes out. I guess he knew the end was near for his friend.

Death comes for everyone, so be prepared. Get rid of all of those socks that have lost their mates; you will never find the other one. Burn those old love letters from the old girl friends, otherwise, your kids will be reading them when they clean out your stuff.

Junk sticks to me like cockelburrs. I need to get rid of a bunch of stuff. I don't want my kids wondering "why in the Hell did he keep all of this crap."

When my parents passed away, we had to clean up their stuff. We found an old bathrobe in the back of a closet. It was a mess, but guess what, my mother had it stuffed with one dollar bills. Every day before my father went to work, he would give my mother two dollars "just in case."

I only saw her spend money one time. She bought a new Rambler car for $2,500 and paid for it in one dollar bills. She bought it from Evan Meacham who later became Governor of the State of Arizona. It took them about three hours to count all of those one dollar bills.
Sorry I'm not so old that the words assisted living means going into a home,,,I don't need tougher skin per your diagnosis.


v. as·sist·ed, as·sist·ing, as·sists
To give help or support to, especially as a subordinate or supplement; aid: The clerk assisted the judge by looking up related precedents. Her breathing was assisted by a respirator.
1. To give aid or support: Who assisted during the operation?
2. To be present, as at a conference: "Mr. Dick had regularly assisted at our councils, with a meditative and sage demeanor. He never made a suggestion but once" (Charles Dickens).
1. The act of giving aid; help:

If everything or word or phrase must be defined for you,so it's not taken out of context it leads me to wonder if your doing it just for always having an argument or wanting attention?
I have never known the term assisted living to mean anything other than a nursing home. An every one of those I have ever been in were very bad places that were clearly meant to get old an disabled people out of the way for people that were not willing to take care of their own.

Assisted Dying is a better description of them.
Sorry I'm not so old that the words assisted living means going into a home,,,I don't need tougher skin per your diagnosis.


v. as·sist·ed, as·sist·ing, as·sists
To give help or support to, especially as a subordinate or supplement; aid: The clerk assisted the judge by looking up related precedents. Her breathing was assisted by a respirator.
1. To give aid or support: Who assisted during the operation?
2. To be present, as at a conference: "Mr. Dick had regularly assisted at our councils, with a meditative and sage demeanor. He never made a suggestion but once" (Charles Dickens).
1. The act of giving aid; help:

If everything or word or phrase must be defined for you,so it's not taken out of context it leads me to wonder if your doing it just for always having an argument or wanting attention?

Nice of you to only do the one word. Try this. living

And I don't need "everything or word or phrase" defined for me. I knew right away you were using the phrase wrong.

I have found a lot of what you say is wrong, 90% of the time I just let it pass. Near the beginning of this thread you said "...the Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge were commissioned by the US government during this period" when you were talking about the depression. I knew at the time I read it that it was wrong and just let it go. The Government didn't commission the Empire State Building, private business did ! The Golden Gate Bridge was in the planning long before the depression, and the depression caused it to take longer to finance.

Maybe if you stick to posting the truth you would be better off.
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