Greedy chickens


Jun 3, 2012
North Carolina
Everybody has one. That greedy chicken who never stops eating! Yesterday evening as I was putting the chickens up for the night, I opened corn bin. I turned around to look for something to scoop it out with, and low and behold, this is what I found. My Speckled Sussex named Zillah was stuffing her crop full of corn. She never stops eating.
Funny! Love the SS, we have 3 in our mixed flock and 1 of them will grab whatever she can get her beak on. The girl is never full.

I used to have a RIR that loved to eat. From the time she was just a chick it was face in the feed or eyes on the ground looking for a tasty morsel. She sadly passed away last week...I miss that little piggy girl.
I'm sorry about your RIR. That is never a good thing to go through. I had two other SS chicks who seemed just as eager to eat as Zillah is. I wish I had kept them instead of selling them. I love this breed!
who else has a greedy chicken?
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