|~~Greek Mythology RP~~| NEEDS CHARACTERS!

Finn pulled out a map. "GPS for the gods," said Finn, "Let's see-- It says Gaea's giant son is on a glacier... Looks like we're headed there." and with that Piper steered the dragon to the glacier that Finn was talking about. (I know it has a name, but I'm having a total brain fart. :p)
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Jason smiled faintly, his hand holding hers delicately. As the approached the mess hall, "we'll, here s where we eat. There is a table of food in the middle that you don't touch, it's offering toward the gods." he announced, less gruff than before.
Lexi smiled back. "Zues might be miffed if you ate his pizza." she joked.
Phoenix looked around at all the tables. "and there's a table for every cabin?" she asked. Kyma went over to the Nereius table, smiled, and traced a finger over the engraved fish shape on it. (nerius being god of fish and all :p) "when are the meals served?" Serenity asked. she noticed some other kids entering the pavillion.
"yeah, it's almost time for dinner, actually."he said, looking around. "if you want, we can tour the climbing wall and the stables real quick, eat and then finish up." he continued nervously, terrified of the waning light.
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Ashley galloped up to the pavillion in horse form, Amanda behind her. Alexa rode on Amanda's back. Ashley shape-shifted back to human. "hey guys. what's up?" she said. she noticed Phoenix, Kyma, Serenity, and Kevyn. "Hi, welcome to CHB!!" she said.

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