|~~Greek Mythology RP~~| NEEDS CHARACTERS!

Maya thrust her hand out to Kyma, "Maya Nixon, child of Phobetor. You're new, right?" she grinned, "Perfect timing! Our demigod-world-famous capture the flag is on tonight! Who's your parent? What can you do? And... I don't have any idea what your name is, but you'll fall off the table if you don't come closer!* HEY LEXI! IF YOU'RE EVER GONNA BREAK THE RULES, NOW WOULD BE THE TIME!"

Lexi blushed. "oh i never break the rules... i'm so innocent..." she said. she giggled. "who am i adjusting?" she whispered to Maya.
Serenity scootched a little closer. "I'll have to unpack Nightmare." she said. (Nightmare is her weapon of choice... i'm not going to spill the beans on what it is yet ;)
Kyma smiled. "cool, Maya. my parent is Nerieus, the very scary god of FISH! *kyma rolls eyes here. fish? i mean, really!* oh and my power is that i can shapeshift into anything i want and am a semi-mer, nothing too interesting there." she said, trying to keep the pride out of her voice. as lame as fish were, at least she got a cool power.
"Phoenix! Want to be on the red team with us!?!" Maya called.
Phoenix spread her bright red wings behind her. "TOTALLY!!!"
(i have a really cool idea: what if this time, just to shake things up, instead of a flag they're looking for it's a person? so like, instead of red team capturing blue team's flag, they capture blue team's person? just an idea ;)
Quote: Phoenix blushed. I mean, really, she hadn't even been here for an hour and people were picking her to be on their team? Nike smiled. "i can tell you're becoming popular already. i'm so proud of you." she said. Phoenix grinned. "shall we go over and join the party?" Phoenix asked. Nike nodded. Nike started to walk gracefully down the between the tables, but Phoenix had a different idea. she stood on her picnic table and leapt into the air, snapping open her wings effortlessly. in two flaps she was at the Hades table. Her wings created an amazing amount of wind. camper's hats blew off their heads, dinners and plated were blown around, hair whipped around. when she was above the Hades' table, she folded her wings and dropped down next to the table. she stood behind Kyma. Kyma shoved her shoulder playfully. "show-off." she said. Phoenix blew her fiery red hair out of her face. her hair was tomato red at the top, fading from red to orange to yellow at the very bottom. it looked a lot like she had fire sprouting out of her head, only upside-down. her wings + tail were the same color pattern.
"Hey! Mr. D! Chiron! Want to come over? We have rainbows!" yelled Maya.

"Anything? I am SO jealous! I can only do animals!" said Maya, "Then again... well, the rest of what I do is kinda creepy. Lexi... go for the biggest threats. And if need be, anyone in your way."
"Anything? I am SO jealous! I can only do animals!" said Maya, "Then again... well, the rest of what I do is kinda creepy. Lexi... go for the biggest threats. And if need be, anyone in your way."
"right." Lexi said with a wink. she had gotten in a bad way with Kampe once. she had adjusted Kampe's memory so Kampe thought her name was jill and that Lexi was her daughter. it turned out being more funny than scary.
"Poseidon is probably the worst threat... although Ares will be tough, too." she said.
Kyma grinned. "what's your favorite animal to shapeshift into?" she said.
"Thankfully, I don't think there's anyone in Poseidon right now, since Acacia's gone. And the best animal to shape-shift into... maybe a hawk. I can't fly enough! But you can do half humans? I learned not to do that after the centaur incident."
"Thankfully, I don't think there's anyone in Poseidon right now, since Acacia's gone. And the best animal to shape-shift into... maybe a hawk. I can't fly enough! But you can do half humans? I learned not to do that after the centaur incident."
"well that'll make things easier!" Lexi said.
"you know, i don't think i've ever tried..." Kyma said. she got off the bench, and stepped back. she grew taller and broader, and covered in fur. in the blink of an eye, a slimmer, prettier, and much bluer (because of the blue hair) minotaur stood before them. Kyma examined a hoof. "incredible!" she said, then she let out a moooo.

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