|~~Greek Mythology RP~~| NEEDS CHARACTERS!

"So who's up for the game tonight?" said Maya, "HEY! ANYONE WANT TO COME OVER!?!" She turned to Faith and Sam, "Who would have thought the Hades table would be party central? How about you, Sam? I'm surprised you haven't broken out the streamers yet."

Lexi came to sit with sam. "Don't tease him, it's his mysteriousness that makes him cool." she said. she swept her pure white hair out of her face.

Lexi grinned. "Thanks! love yours, too." Kyma gasped in mock surprise, "you like her white hair better than my naturally blue hair?" she said. she pretended to swoon, but ruined the effect by giggling.
[rule]"red." Kyma said. "that'll be the one Kevyn's on." Serenity added.
"Blue," Ashley and Alexa decided from across the hall. Amanda pouted. "but i have to be on red, i'm Aphrodite's." "We'll still be best buds!" Alexa comforted her. Amanda pouted, then grinned.
"Red," lexi said. "same as sam."

Lexi blushed. "oh i never break the rules... i'm so innocent..." she said. she giggled. "who am i adjusting?" she whispered to Maya.
Serenity scootched a little closer. "I'll have to unpack Nightmare." she said. (Nightmare is her weapon of choice... i'm not going to spill the beans on what it is yet ;)
Kyma smiled. "cool, Maya. my parent is Nerieus, the very scary god of FISH! *kyma rolls eyes here. fish? i mean, really!* oh and my power is that i can shapeshift into anything i want and am a semi-mer, nothing too interesting there." she said, trying to keep the pride out of her voice. as lame as fish were, at least she got a cool power.
Phoenix spread her bright red wings behind her. "TOTALLY!!!"
(i have a really cool idea: what if this time, just to shake things up, instead of a flag they're looking for it's a person? so like, instead of red team capturing blue team's flag, they capture blue team's person? just an idea ;)
Sam smiled at them, his strange black eyes almost glowing. His pointed ears stuck out of his shaggy back hair. "I guess I'm red team." he said, his voice taking on a almost dark note. (what did I miss? Srry I was gone so long, my life exploded, lol)
"Sam, of course you're on red team! We'd have to leave and go to the showers to wash off that blue team stink otherwise! And where do you expect Lexi to be? On the blue team, of course! She can't wait to fight you! NOT!"
Aglaia carefully went off to the archery arena to get away from playing capture the flag. then proceeded to shoot a silver arrow into every bulls eye of the targets.
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