|~~Greek Mythology RP~~| NEEDS CHARACTERS!

Mirleah shrieked when she saw the cute guy in front of her's scar. She cringed and dashed towards the mess hall.
Phoenix sat down at the Nike table. she had a huge glass of Nectar in front of herself and was enjoying herself immensly. she took a big sip. aaaah. it tasted like her favorite dark-roast chocolate decaf coffee, with french vanilla creamer and of course too much sweetner. she took another sip. Kyma came over to sit by her, then shrieked when she saw what phoenix was drinking. "Phoenix, are you crazy??? drink too much of that stuff and you'll literally burn up!!" she cried out. Phoenix smiled pleasently. "I know. I'm fireproof, remember?" she said calmly. she took another chug, and spontaniously combusted. she grinned from inside her personal inferno, her hair waving gently inside the flames.
1. Were you fighting in the war against Kronos?
2. Were you at camp Half-blood or found by a satyr?
Found by a satyr.
3. Short background story.
I was evacuated from Mount Olympus and raised on earth.

Character name: Hercules
What you are: God
Personality: Tough, Loyal, Wise
God or goddess parent: Zeus
Gender: Male
Picture: Tall, Hairy, Muscular
Accepted and added! :) Updated member page here.

Faith walked along Lexi, her stomach rumbling. She glanced down at it, then ignored it. "So, crazy night last night, huh?" she asked.

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