Green Cheek Conure as a pet ?

Poultry Master1

7 Years
Jun 23, 2016
Hello BYC I am interested in possibly getting a green cheek conure. Although I have never had a bird as a pet for the past couple months I have wanted to get a pet bird and have done a lot of research regarding keeping birds as pets. I have waited this long because while doing my research I discovered that it was very common for people to get a pet bird then lose interest in it once they realized how much work it was or they realized it didn't have the personality they expected (such as being playful or not being able to talk) or just didn't have the time for it and the poor bird ends up developing behavior problems such as feather plucking or self mutilation. From my research I decided that the best bird for me with my low level of bird experience would probably something that can be playful at times but didn't require 24 playtime so so that ruled out finches, macaws, cockatoos(exept maybe a cockatiel), large conures. So my first thought was budgies or another parakeet but where I live my options are limited as the nearest bird rescue is several hundred miles away and I have been unable to find a breeder anywhere close either and as I don't want to put a bird through the stress of shipping a big distance then being put in a completely new environment. So the only option I have is a pet store which is still 45 minutes away and I know pet stores aren't always a good idea but I went to the place and checked out the birds they all seemed generally healthy they weren't overcrowded and they had a pretty big cage lots of toys and I have to say they seem to take pretty good care of their birds so I planned to get a budgie (all the store had for birds was finches budgies and a green cheek conure which I guessed was probably somewhere around 6-8 months as he was fully feathered but seemed to be a little smaller than research had said that green cheeks normally were. Now I would still be perfectly happy with a budgie even if it's not playful and I know every bird is an individual so the green cheek may not be playful either but I was curious what other people's experiences were with green cheeks. PS thanks for reading the while post I realize it is very long thanks for any and all advice :)
I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for in a bird, but both budgies and green cheeks are playful, and both can talk, though green cheeks are definitely the quietest of the conures, and budgies,if they talk, aren't the best at it. I have had birds all my life, and I currently have a bunch of breeding pairs of budgies (currently have our first clutch of 5 babies), and I have a cinnamon turquoise green cheek boy who's hatch date was March 22nd. One thing i will tell you about green cheeks, if you don't have a lot of time to spend with the bird, don't get a green cheek. Their nickname is "the Velcro bird", and they absolutely want to be with you/on you 24/7. Iggy has his own bedroom with his cage and a play gym, and he is fully flighted. His cage is never ever locked and he has full access to his room while I'm not home with the door shut to protect against my dogs. But the minute I'm home he's on me, and wants to eat all meals with me, does dishes with me, and sits on the shower rod while I'm in the shower, most of the time getting in with me. If I'm home and he's in his room he screams until I come get him. When I'm not home he's happy playing with his toys or on his gym, but as soon as I'm home forget it, I have to go get him or he screams his head off. Conures require a lot of attention and it's a lot of work. If you don't spend enough time with them and train them each day they will become destructive and mean.

Budgies require a lot of attention too if you want them to be a tame pet, but I've found they are a little better at entertaining themselves if they have lots of toys to play with. I had a hand raised budgie for almost 20 years, and I spent a few hours a day with him, again he had his own room and was free flighted, but he was very content to be alone playing in his cage as long as I spent at least a few hours a day with him.
Thanks for sharing your experience ended up getting a budgie I've had him/her for about a week and a half now but he is super super friendly I got him at a pet store so from what everyone said I was expecting to have to work with him for weeks but once we got home I put him in his cage and as I was putting his some millet spray in he just hopped on my finger he then chirped and starting eating it while standing on my hand then when he was done he flew on my head and stayed there for another half and hour then I sat down and he hopped into my lap and we watched a movie together he even fell asleep in my lap so let him sleep for a while I got up super carefully and got a snack then came back about 20 minutes later to check on him and he was still sleeping on my bed so I just sat on a chair nearby and read then about two hours later he woke up and flew over to my arm and chirped so I was like awww and walked over to my lap he snuggled up in my lap fell asleep again then woke up after 40 minutes and flew over to his cage (the door was open) and ate some of his food and then he started playing with his toys in his cage. So far he's come to sit with me everyday. So I'm pretty sure I hit the budgie jackpot even though his colors aren't rare or anything he is so playful and friendly. I will try to post a pic.

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