Green Legged Chicken. Question? Picture included.


10 Years
Sep 4, 2009
I got this chicken as the additional exotic chicken with my order from McMurray. I asked a few weeks ago and was told that he/she is an EE, but it doesn't act or look like any of the EEs I ordered. In the order I bought EEs and Black Stars and this weirdo came....that looks and acts nothing like my EEs but it does have green legs. Are there any chicken breeds with green legs?

It's kind of a mystery bird, isn't it? Modern games do have green legs, but they are such a tall skinny bird - this one doesn't look like the gamebirds on feathersite.
modern games


It's body shape & color does like look an easter egger to me (an EE cockerel), but its face does not. I've never seen an EE with a red face. The face looks more like a dark cornish face (shape & color), but it's obviously not a dark cornish. What type of comb does it have. Is it a pea comb or a rose comb? If you're not sure, can you take a photo of the comb and maybe a more recent pic too?
I am out of town for a couple weeks, but I will take a picture when i get back to see if he looks any different. He is only about 10 weeks old now.

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