Green mass thing found in dead chicken *GRAPHIC PICTURES*


7 Years
Feb 22, 2012
Northeast Ohio
Today I went into the coop and found a brahma dead. It was some where between 4-6 weeks old. After some research I thought it might have died from coccidiosis. Someone had been having some red/bloody colored stool and they weren't looking thrifty and not really eating. I examined the bird and the intestines looked normal to me. Once I got in I found "it." There was a greenish, dark green, mass on the right side of the chicken close to the center. I poked it and it was squishy. The thing next to it ( not sure what organ it is ) had some yellow stuff on it, too. This organ is kind of large and on both sides of the chicken. I just want to know what it is. I have another bird that is having the same bloody stool too. I'll post pictures once I find the cord for the camera. BTW it is NOT green muscle disease.
I went to go cut it out to take a picture of just it but the scissors accidently hit it and dark green fluid squirted out. I think I may caponize some chickens this weekend to see if they have the green thing too. The poo looks like the last two normal ones and the one to the right of the one with the coin. Maybe nothing to worry about but still leaves the question as to what the green thing was.
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Since no one came up with any ideas I just decided to treat for Coccidiosis and hope for the best. Today I went out and didn't notice any bloody poo but figured it's better safe than sorry.
The green mass is the gallbladder. The large organ was most likely the liver and the yellow stuff fat. I really can't help other than to say the organs appear healthy from your pictures. I would probably treat for coccidia as well. Good luck.
Interesting as I've never seen it before in any chickens I've butchered. Probably just because I get grossed out and just want it to be over with. Thank you this makes me feel a lot better.

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