Green Mountain Ducks!


Aug 6, 2019
Hello from the wilds of Vermont!

We got our first group of ducks in April 2018. Our property has a large pond that is made up of outflow from an artesian well, and since it gets pretty cold here in Vermont we figured ducks were a better choice for us than chickens. Not knowing how to go about buying them, we went to Tractor Supply and ended up with six Khaki Campbells. We raised them inside until it got warm enough and now they live in a semi-enclosure around the pond.

We lost three of the Khakis to various forces (owl, raccoon). This past May we got 3 new ducks (1 ancana, 2 blue Swedish) and a rooster. One Swedish duckling died quickly of some sort of failure to thrive issue, and we lost the other Swedish and the rooster to a raccoon once they went outside (we are working on this problem lol). That leaves our current count at 4 ducks - 3 Khaki Campbells and 1 Ancana, and 3 new ducklings that are still inside - 2 black Swedish and 1 black Runner. All are hens except one Khaki drake.

We really love raising ducks - my husband likens it to a video game where you keep getting upgrades and trying new things, haha!

I'm a software consultant and my husband is a biological technician for the Forest Service. We have two children, 5 and 1 (one of the 1 year old's first words was "ducky"). As a family we like being outside, watching movies together, and, of course, duck raising. :)

We've been reading these forums since last year when we google the various odd things that have happened with our ducks and finally decided to make an account. Very happy to be here!
Welcome to BYC! It’s great to have you here!
Welcome to BYC!

Do you have any pictures of your feathered loved ones? We have ducks here also, and just can't get enough of them. Most of our are still growing, but we do have some grown Pekins also.

The Ancona is Terry one of our drakes, and the Black Runner is Violet, our only black duck.


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Hello, welcome to Backyard Chickens! :welcomeCongratulations for becoming part of the flock!
That was a wonderful introduction. :clap

Sorry to hear about your past losses. Do you allow your ducks to free range?
Sort of - they used to be totally free range, but my husband built a fence that goes down to the pond on two sides now so they have kind of a semi-enclosure. During the day they free range which is why one got knocked off by an owl in the middle of the day :he We think the raccoon got one because she was new and the older ducks scared her out of the water at night.

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