Greenish, wet poop. Not eating. Crop not emptied.


May 9, 2022
Oklahoma is OK!
So, I have a 3 year old RIR hen. Very hardy girl, have never had any issues with her except for mites or worms (which I treated for a couple weeks ago when I noticed her poopy butt feathers). I also have another post about my Andalusian having poopy butt feathers, but she is acting completely fine.
Anyway, I noticed the past couple days my RIR was kind of acting a little "off", like not rushing to food, poopy butt, and I don't believe she has laid an egg in over a week or so. This morning, I noticed her crop was not empty. It is not hard, but not super liquid squishy, either. She will not drink any water today, and she will not eat anything. (I brought her inside this morning to observe) She finally pooped and it was a greenish color and wet and possibly a little mucous looking. She just sits and does not move around. Her comb color still looks good. Oh, and and I checked for egg back there, in case she was bound, but it seemed clear. Any suggestions?


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She may be experiencing a reproductive disorder such as internal laying, infection, salpingitis, cancer, or others. Do you see the yellow appearance of her droppings or any yellow urates? Is her lower belly between her legs enlarged or swollen? I would insert a clean finger into her vent up to 2 inches to feel for a stuck egg. Mix some chicken feed and water, with a little scrambled egg. Offer fluids often. If you suspect that she is eggbound, a calcium tablet with vitamin D3 can be helpful.
She may be experiencing a reproductive disorder such as internal laying, infection, salpingitis, cancer, or others. Do you see the yellow appearance of her droppings or any yellow urates? Is her lower belly between her legs enlarged or swollen? I would insert a clean finger into her vent up to 2 inches to feel for a stuck egg. Mix some chicken feed and water, with a little scrambled egg. Offer fluids often. If you suspect that she is eggbound, a calcium tablet with vitamin D3 can be helpful.
I did insert a gloved finger this morning while I was giving her a bath to clean her feathers. It seemed clear, I didn't feel anything like that. I never suspected egg bound really, I just thought maybe she stopped laying because of other illness going on. She does that whenever anything is going on, whether molting or having mites or whatever, she will stop laying. I am sure it doesn't need to be clarified but just in case it does, the picture of her poop is also surrounded by pine chips because I couldn't separate it from them. I just felt her belly and it doesn't seem big or anything. She has not drank one drop of water or food and hasn't moved from the same spot in hours. Could it be cocci? I don't know... I am actually pretty worried now.
How is she doing? If she's not eating try to give her watermelon or sugar water to boost her appetite. Also give her nutri drench and grubs, scrambled egg or something else that's high protein and calories. Once she's better you may need to deworm.
Thank you for the response. Her crop cleared, she has been eating, she still doesn't act herself but she is with the rest of the flock again. I don't believe it is cocci, I don't believe egg bound - but i have been giving a calcium tablet with Vitamin D3 just in case. She still hasn't laid an egg, her comb and overall appearance still look great in color. I am probably going to deworm again, but probably a different kind like Zimecterin, in case it is a tape. Other than that, I have no clue.
Thank you for the response. Her crop cleared, she has been eating, she still doesn't act herself but she is with the rest of the flock again. I don't believe it is cocci, I don't believe egg bound - but i have been giving a calcium tablet with Vitamin D3 just in case. She still hasn't laid an egg, her comb and overall appearance still look great in color. I am probably going to deworm again, but probably a different kind like Zimecterin, in case it is a tape. Other than that, I have no clue.
That's great! She may still be healing. Keep an eye on her. I try to check their crops to make sure they're eating when they're roosted for the night and then always on poop patrol....
This is an old thread, I know, but I thought I would update for anyone else that might be curious how this turned out.
She stopped laying eggs completely, but she was in the nest box constantly. After she laid a lash egg I realized she had an infection caused by salpingitis. She died a month or so later - I was heartbroken. She was last of my original flock.
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