Greeting Everyone.

Hello all,

I’m following the templet here so might sound odd like a classified ad or dating profile.

I’m not new to chickens and I am new at the same time. I have been raised around them when I was younger, but as I grew up didn’t really keep chickens till about 5 or so years ago. For the last 5 years it has been on and off again thing raising chickens when I could or was allowed (They frown on it in apartments). My most recent flock started about a year ago with 4 Turkens/Naked Necks(The most metal looking of all chickens) and 2 easter eggers, Current count is 20.

My current flock consists of Turkens, Easter Eggers, Leghorns, Speckled Sussex, Buff Orpingtons, Blue Plymouth Tints, and 2 ducks is ones pekin and no idea on the other(wife wanted ducks).

My favorite aspects of raising chickens started off as just an interest in source of food, later it became a way for me to relax and relieve stress by watching them go about their day.

Some of my other hobbies Include building/making/repairing/3d modeling /3d printing/gardening/gaming. All of this when I have time which is in short supply these days.

I’m married with 3 kids, and a dog.

For the bonus question. I have known about BYC for quiet some time, normally I just stalk the pages from my google searches, but recent I have felt the need to ask some more specific questions(when I remember them) that I have not been able to find reliable/satisfactory answers to them. Also, the reddit groups on chickens seem more about people posting selfies with chickens and snarky response to beginners asking questions. I find very little help there when I am wanting to learn more about chicken raising and processing etc, so I finally joined BYC.

Anyways thanks for reading if you made it this far.
You sound like a very busy person. I just got chickens for the first time ever this year. It's been really nice having the BYC community to rely on. I don't have to feel like I'm not doing anything right because there's so many knowledgeable people here. They have all been a great inspiration to me which is why I jumped at the chance to have chickens. So unlike Reddit, everyone here is genuine, helpful and respectful. It's good to see the new members of the BYC community.

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