Greetings everyone!


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2024
Greetings from Southern California! I started raising chickens last December. Currently, I own four roosters and five hens. Two of them are barnyard mixes, while the rest are Rhode Island reds. My favorite part of owning them is that the first two chicks I hatched are very friendly and have become my outdoor companions. They follow me everywhere and even wait for me on my front step, which is simply adorable. I hope to learn more about raising chickens and become a part of this wonderful community.
Greetings from Southern California! I started raising chickens last December. Currently, I own four roosters and five hens. Two of them are barnyard mixes, while the rest are Rhode Island reds. My favorite part of owning them is that the first two chicks I hatched are very friendly and have become my outdoor companions. They follow me everywhere and even wait for me on my front step, which is simply adorable. I hope to learn more about raising chickens and become a part of this wonderful community.
Welcome. Do you plan to make a rooster only coop and run for the extra roosters?

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