Greetings from Aptos, CA


In the Brooder
Jun 11, 2023
Hello! My name is Don. I live in Aptos, CA. south of Santa Cruz. I’ve always wanted to have chickens to have eggs and the entertainment they provide 😁. My view of owning chickens was so simplistic. Feed them and collect eggs, right?? NOT 😜. A friend and myself decided to raise hens for eggs and they would be a great addition to the soil for our gardens. Long story short, he moved away and I am in full custody and care of 77 hens! The first batch was a mix of Americana, Rhode Island Red and Barred Rock. The second larger batch were Buff Orpington. The largest and last batch were Black Australorp. It has been quite a constant learning curve and I think I’ve had good success and thank God for You Tube!
I’ve learned a lot over the 2+ years of raising these girls. I cared for one of the Australorps which had become paraplegic. I had her under my arm as I went about work on the property and set her down in the grass when I needed both hands. My daughter built her a walker and I made a wooden food table to put in front of her for food and water. She went on road trips with me and became a constant companion. She was the guest of honor at Christmas and Thanksgiving and wore a Santa hat! Over her life she laid 53 eggs and in the end before she passed actually started walking!! Her name was Heny. Anyway, I know, over the top. It’s amazing how these girls can steel your heart! Anyway, I can hopefully contribute to this community as well as learn more.
Anyway, I sell the eggs and never have to be out of pocket for supplies and we eat as many eggs as we desire!👍


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