Greetings from England :)

Yes, sometimes it is a long wait and the anxiety can kill you! But they all may surprise you. I thought my first hatch was a bomb. I did everything wrong, incubator issues all thru that first hatch, but somehow, I had a great hatch. LOL But I know how badly you might feel if nothing hatches.

Keep your spirits up and keep us posted!
Hi Polkadots
I'm new to BYC too, from Macclesfield - so local LOL.
Got 3 hens, had chickens for the last 3 or 4 years, and some ducks.
Hoping your hatch is going well, I hatched 6/10 ducklings last summer as a first time hatcher with an old second hand incubator. I was up all night when they started, it was great. The last one died though( I had to help break the egg open, he was only strong enough to make a little hole to get his beak out of, but I couldn't bear to leave him cheeping and trying his hardest to get out.) Everything I read said 'if they are not strong enough to break out themselves, they probably are not strong enough to survive' That was true, but if the same happened again, I would still help out. Jx
Good luck
Hiya mygirlsmum, I think I'd help too lol but then I'm often scorned at for my less than hardened ways

I'm often laughed at by the local horsey set, as I can't afford another horse to ride whilst I'm paying out a small fortune to keep two ponies, one as old as the hills and the other has issues (to put it mildly lol) Both need feeding, rent, footcare, vets etc, but I can't get get rid of one just to ride, in my mind it doesn't sit right! I pay out more per month to keep them than their combined value, but they're both happy, the vet confirmed the old girl may not look too pretty but is happy and has a great quality of life, which I couldn't guarantee if I were to rehome them, so it's good enough for me

Congratulations on your ducklings, I'd love to see pics!! Nothing much happening in my incubator, to be honest after the problems in the first fortnight I'm not expecting there to be, devastating. I'm sat up watching the incubator again, (00:32 here) I had a slight rise in temperature a little while ago, and I'm super paranoid since my bought incubator went crazy and cooked the other four. I did try googling to see if the temp raises slightly before hatching, thought maybe the chicks were hard at it and generating heat but I think it's wishful thinking on my part!!

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