Greetings from New York!

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
Can you put some different things inside the brooder for the chicks to perch on and hide under? I would also dig up a clump or two of sod from their future yard and put that in the brooder for them to scratch through. It will help distract from the relentless bullying.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
Can you put some different things inside the brooder for the chicks to perch on and hide under? I would also dig up a clump or two of sod from their future yard and put that in the brooder for them to scratch through. It will help distract from the relentless bullying.
Thank you! I tried the sod and it totally distracted them!! It helped that there was a big fat worm in it. 😆

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