Greetings from North Central Idaho


In the Brooder
May 22, 2024
Idaho County, Idaho
I got my first chickens, eight 1-day-old Buff Orpingtons, just about a year ago on 5/24/2023 from our local farm store. Right now, I have the original eight and 12 of their offspring, born 4/30 and 5/12.

I got Orpingtons after an acquaintance said they were the friendliest breed. (Also because their light gold coloration matches my decor -- only partially joking!)

I've been lurking a long time and relied heavily on this forum in designing my coop and chicken tractor.

I enjoy the comedy of life with chickens, such as when they all start hopefully following me when I am using an empty feed bag for trash, because they associate that rustling sound with SCRATCH. I also like selling chicks and eggs (and also giving away eggs as gifts), as well as trying to read chicken language in terms of knowing when they need more food and water.
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I got my first chickens, eight 1-day-old Buff Orpingtons, just about a year ago on 5/24/2023 from our local farm store. Right now, I have the original eight and 12 of their offspring, born 4/30 and 5/12.

I got Orpingtons after an acquaintance said they were the friendliest breed. (Also because their light gold coloration matches my decor -- only partially joking!)

I've been lurking a long time and relied heavily on this forum in designing my coop and chicken tractor.

I enjoy the comedy of life with chickens, such as when they all start hopefully following me when I am using an empty feed bag for trash, because they associate that rustling sound with SCRATCH. I also like selling chicks and eggs (and also giving away eggs as gifts), as well as trying to read chicken language in terms of knowing when they need more food and water.
Welcome to BYC. I love reading chicken language as well, and hope to get better at it.

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