Greetings from rural Louisiana!

Thank you all!
Currently we have 11 Buff Orps, 2 Aruacanas (1 a Roo), 3 RIR (1 a Roo), 2 Leghorns, 1 Barred Rock and a Silky.
All but 8 Buffs were "Rescue" chickens from no longer wanted chicken keeper or ill thought Easter gifts.
The RIR Roo and the Silky came together and are sort of bonded. They are sequestered in a small, mobile coop. I'm looking to bust that up soon and rehome her to a silky keeper. He can go into some dumplings with his hateful attitude. I don't keep feeding mean critters.
The Aruacana Roo was a kitchen chicken the first couple months of his life and while a sweet soul to me, the girls gave him hell until recently. Since he figured out what it means to breed it is like he is raping the girls. Almost like he has a vendetta for all the times they bullied him. I've had to pull a few girls before he killed them.
He's going to get sequestered in the small coop and only get weekly conjugal visits.

I'm also having low egg production at an average of 2-3 per day. Some of my girls are old but the 8 buffs were hatched this last February and should be cranking out at least 6-7 eggs a day. I can count on 1 hand the number of times I've gotten that amount.
They have plenty of food, 3 water sources and what I think is a big enough yard and a coop with 4 nesting boxes.
I understand that with shorter days the egg production drops but this is an on going issue.

Lastly, my Leghorns are going baled. Working on a few sweaters now for them. Not picked on until this last week with the overly amourous dude.

For the record I feed a mix of equal parts scratch, chopped corn and lay pellets.
They also get all the scraps and meal worm treats a couple times a week or depending on their scrap intake.

I've already read up on the 'raping' issue and figured out the advanced search feature. Big help!!!

Looking forward to streamlining my crew!

Thanks again!
This time of year with the low light, cold snaps, molting, etc...all of these will slow the egg production down. Common for the winter months.

Take a look at this thread on Why My Chickens Are Not Laying. This may help you understand what might be going on in your flock and you can also ask questions there as well....

Good luck and I hope you can get down to the bottom of this soon! :)
hello there welcome to byc the community is here to help you when you need it

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