Greetings from San Diego!


In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2023
Hi! We're brand new to chicken raising (got our first four in March 2023) and are looking forward to learning more and more! We are aware of chicken math, so we started with four, with a plan to get a couple more in a couple of years, and so on. We are raising them for eggs and as pets, no meat.

The four we have (we think, see question in the ID forum) are:
- One Sapphire Gem
- One Calico Princess
- One Black Star
- One Prairie Bluebell Egger

So far, we've loved their little mutterings to themselves, and they always come running when we go outside... probably because we often come bearing treats! We're anxiously awaiting the first eggs, and shopping at the farmer's market for eggs in the meantime.

Other hobbies include growing fruit, rare to our area where we can, and other gardening. We have one indoor-only cat, one chihuahua who is scared of the hens, two parakeets, and a goldfish. Taking care of living things is the main pastime outside of work, but I work from home so it's not too challenging.

Hope we'll have a chance to contribute more soon, but meanwhile I'm here to read and learn.
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Hi! We're brand new to chicken raising (got our first four in March 2023) and are looking forward to learning more and more! We are aware of chicken math, so we started with four, with a plan to get a couple more in a couple of years, and so on. We are raising them for eggs and as pets, no meat.

The four we have (we think, see question in the ID forum) are:
- One Sapphire Gem
- One Calico Princess
- One Black Star
- One Buff Orpington

So far, we've loved their little mutterings to themselves, and they always come running when we go outside... probably because we often come bearing treats! We're anxiously awaiting the first eggs, and shopping at the farmer's market for eggs in the meantime.

Other hobbies include growing fruit, rare to our area where we can, and other gardening. We have one indoor-only cat, one chihuahua who is scared of the hens, two parakeets, and a goldfish. Taking care of living things is the main pastime outside of work, but I work from home so it's not too challenging.

Hope we'll have a chance to contribute more soon, but meanwhile I'm here to read and learn.
Welcome to BYC!

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