Greetings from St. Paul, Minnesota


10 Years
Jul 20, 2009
Hey, everybody. I've done some searching of these forums in the past and mostly what I've learned is that I have a lot to learn about chickens. So, I decided I'd join up and check in more regularly.

My wife got five chickens before we were married, so I guess they're step-chickens to me, but I love them like they're my own.
We have a silkie, a barred rock bantam, and three "mutts" of unknown breeding (a couple look a bit like Rhode Island Reds, but they're too small). She's had them for about three years. They live in a nice little converted garden shed with a small fenced-in yard around them and plenty of access to the wider fenced-in yard during the warm months. We get a real kick out of them.

Looking forward to reading more about all of your chickens!

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