Grit for my Chickens

If there on chick starter feed they really do not need it ,Its ground so fine it all they need.Once you start feeding them whole grains or cracked like milo,corn ,millet,oats,rice and forageing for bugs ,greens,etc they will need it....cva34

most do not feed calcium except to layers
Ho Ho---Just noticed the chicks in your avatar...I have some that look identical from the you have Easter Eggers by any chance?? When were they hatched? :O)
No Easter Eggers. I eventually would love a few. The are Americaunas and Barred Rocks. The were hatched May 14th. First time having chicks in 25 years. Loving it !!!
That's so great...they are so pretty...Keep posting as they grow!! :O)
Thanks !! I will

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