growing feed


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 12, 2009
Plant City, Fla.
Right now I'm feeding mostly Layena but when I go out to refill the feeder and gather eggs every day I throw the girls a few cups of cracked corn. that also serves to keep them occupied while I'm going in the gate so they don't want to try and get out. I've noticed that I can throw the the corn and while they're pecking at the corn if I also throw some salad greens around they'll leave the corn right away in favor of the greens, then go back to the corn after the greens are all gone.

I was wondering if anyone grows any kind of greens to feed their flock?
My husband just planted spinach for my hens conveniently using composted chicken manuer
Got the full circle of life in the backyard.

I highly doubt it will be enough to satiate them though. I usually go to Costco and buy the large bag of spinach for $3.99 and the 7 heads of romaine lettuce for $2.99 and that lasts about a month.
I think greenfeed makes a much better treat than just about anything else. Whatever you can get cheapest or is easiest to grow will work.

Right now green cabbage is pretty cheap and keeps a while in the fridge. Turnip, mustard, collard, kale, and chard all work well.


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