Growing grass in the run with the girls there

I would make a fenced area in the run.Let the chickens in one side,and seed the other.Both sides get some straw. Lol,will let you know if it actually works this spring for me.

If I did not have issues with multiple hawks dive bombing the hens daily I would let them run the entire fenced yard while I seeded their run.
chickens will eat all the grass in their run.Best thing to do is grow chicken friendly plants for them to eat. Grow them in 5 gallon pots(preferably glass) and when they start to grow,wrap chicken wire around the entire plant including the top.You have to make this chicken proof for it to work.Then water those plants and add some fresh chicken poo to speed up the process.Soon you will have your own chicken jungle.They will eat whatever is growing and poking out of the chicken holes,and might even jump on top to contribute to growth.You will see them laying around the pots, waiting patiently for more to grow out so they can snipe up.Best plants are in the bean,or cherry tomato family..something that bushes out fast,fast,fast!
Last year I planted raspberry bushes on one side of the 19 by 22 ft run, at the front of the run I planted trumpet vines. I put hardware cloth around the plants as they were quite small and vulnerable so the birds wouldn't kill them off, hopefully this year the vines will grow well enough to provide a nice shady area in their run. I also had whiskey barrel planters inside their run with their favorite tomaotes planted in each one. The birds were very well behaved and didnt destroy the plants at all instead they patiently waited for me to pluck the ripe pear tomatoes off for them. They do the same thing in their own veggie garden which I usually grow peas, green beans, swiss chard, and other tomatoes in. No need to put wire around their garden if the plants are already growing in there they leave them alone but irrigate and fertilize the soil surrounding the plants along with their daily chores of weeding the garden. Not every bird is gonna be like that tho, mine are an exception I guess lol
Here's a picture of my grass box we made for the girls. They love it and it lasted all summer long.


I would be careful with raspberries in the run. My run had a good sized plant already there and the girls loved it. Only problem, 3 of the girls came down with bumblefoot. Not sure if the thorns caused it, but I sure don't like going through that. Now I'm careful with all my thorny plants including my roses. Have to protect those little feet.
I just use regular landscape timbers turned on edge and set on the ground. I'm not sure of the exact dimension of the timbers(probably about 3x5 inches wide- put them rounded side up/down). They'll last for several years.

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