Growing up! *group pic post 18*

I think "Marge" is a Mark

Here is hoping that I am wrong. I don't see the rounded tail feathers that your other EE is showing.
Ok while I totally wish Marge would be Marge... I am so relieved you said that about the tail feathers!! I thought those big fancy tail feathers would mean roo (again) but since they are rounded, it should be a pullet?

LOL - gagalerslove - my Golden Comets think everything and everyone is their throne! They are the most prone to get in my lap (2nd only to the BR) and one even climbed up on my dog! (Gave me a heart attack since he has a "juvenile record" as a convicted chicken killer. but he is all grown up now and does well - but always supervised)

I found a "baby picture" of Stink..... you can see why she lost her given name and became "Stink Eye"

Sometimes I sit on my back steps and feed them... the other 15 gather in front of me and race for treats. Stink goes under the stairs and sticks her head between the steps beside me so she gets goodies without competition.

When I was taking pics she would peck my cell phone everytime the camera "clicked". She is fun!
I gave the girls some raspberries this morning... and went I went out the back gate they tried very hard to go with me! (you'll notice there are 15.... my poor little JG is laying in the shade just watching. *sigh)

So Marge had defied me and proven to be a rooster. Already a rebellious jerk.

My little JG that was having trouble seems to be doing a lot better.
I have a little box fan hooked up in the henhouse (freaks them out but they kind of like it when the heat index is 104)
AND the BEST news of all.... my small animal vet said they will help anyway they can if I need them for my chickens. They warned me ahead of time that it isn't their "strong points" but they know some and can read / research lots. They are normally just dogs, cats and rabbits. LOVE my vet

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