Growth on Quail's Foot

Oob Child

May 13, 2023
One of my female quail has a growth in her foot, I'm giving her an Epsom salt bath to try gently cleaning it.
It might just be poop, not sure. Any suggestions? Her name is Spot.
On closer investigation it is definitely some sort of tumor, we gave it a little rub and it began bleeding profusely. I applied a bit of pressure to it to stunt bleeding and applied some chlorsig ointment to it.
I'm keeping the cage super clean now to help prevent poop getting stuck to it. She is still laying HUGE eggs that aren't double yolk. I'm planning on giving her feet an Epsom salt bath every afternoon to keep it relatively sanitary. It looks poopy but isn't.

It definitely isn't bumblefoot. There doesn't seem to be anything in it as far as I can tell. Please help!

Thanks in advance.
It looks like possible bumblefoot, and it is on the other footpad more mildly. Damp or soiled bedding, rough roosts, even the poop itself, can lead to footpad dermatitis or bumblefoot. If ventilation in the coop is not good, dampness may not dry out. Are there any sharp rocks where she is kept? Are you using a gamebird type feed? I agree that soaking in warm Epsom salts water or a little Betadine in soapy water could help if done over several days. Some people use a dressing on the feet with a little sugar mixed in Betadine made into a paste, and change it every other day. Here is a good article to read:
It looks like possible bumblefoot, and it is on the other footpad more mildly. Damp or soiled bedding, rough roosts, even the poop itself, can lead to footpad dermatitis or bumblefoot. If ventilation in the coop is not good, dampness may not dry out. Are there any sharp rocks where she is kept? Are you using a gamebird type feed? I agree that soaking in warm Epsom salts water or a little Betadine in soapy water could help if done over several days. Some people use a dressing on the feet with a little sugar mixed in Betadine made into a paste, and change it every other day. Here is a good article to read:
Her other foot looks completely normal. The only damp bedding they have is a small patch of slightly moist sand on the underneath of their mini roost, so they don't go near it. They are a super smooth wood which I cover in paper towels. I try very hard to keep their area clean and dry, and there aren't any rocks in their cage. A section of their cage has wire flooring which I think her foot gets caught on and makes it bleed. I have been noticing blood around their cage in the last week or two, but thought it was a different bird.
I use premium gamebird layer/finisher feed.
Today I found a smaller similar looking growth on the side of one of my other quail’s toes (George). I gave both of them a warm epsom salt bath for their feet. George is my spoilt lil tame baby, so she had a 10 minute bath and I didn’t have to hold her there. I think she understands they are good for her, because she’s had multiple before for other reasons. I then carefully removed the growth from her foot pretty easily with only a small amount of bleeding and put some Betadine mixed with sugar on it. I didn’t feel the need to dress it at all, even though I intended to. I gave her lots of mealworms throughout the process, which she appreciated a lot.

Spot was difficult to give a bath to, but not the most difficult I’ve done. I was surprised to see that part of the ‘tumor’ had fallen off since I last checked it. I only gave her a 5 minute bath because I had to hold her there and she clearly didn’t want to be there. Gave the wound a bit of a rub and checked her other foot which looked like it was just poop. I put the betadine mixed with sugar on both the feet bits just in case. It did bleed a bit but was fine once I put a bit of pressure on it. I didn’t dress her feet either, it seemed ok.

Really hoping this is the end of it :fl

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