Growth Rate Between Red Star and Buff Orpington


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 19, 2011
I purchased 12 "left-over" chicks all 2.5 weeks old from my reputable farmers' co-op.

I finally identified them as 9 Buff Orpingtons and 3 Red (Star) sex-links. They are currently 6 weeks old.

All 3 Red Stars are almost half again as big as the Orpingtons. The literature I've found that give size guidelines states that hen Orpingtons are about 8 pounds and Red Stars are 5-6 pounds at maturity. But the Red Stars are noticeably heavier and taller than the Orps.

Can anyone give info about the size difference between the two varieties?

The chicks have all the basic necessities plus more...Lots of clean space (indoor and outdoor), proper food, water, protection from elements/predators, etc. There is no competition for resources. All seem to get along well and are fairly laid back and not aggressive.


(I'd post photos but I'm still too "recently hatched!")
I am really to new to qualify to answer, but my buff orpington chicks are growing a lot slower also, hence why I opened looking for an answer. Maybe they just grow slower.
RSLs are a crossbreed, thus they have what's called "hybrid-vigor". Based on my knowledge of hybrid-vigor in other species (cows, sheep etc), the RSLs will grow faster than the purebred Orps. Now, I'm somewhat new to chickens, so someone correct me if I'm wrong, but yes, because they are bred to lay sooner and more they will grow faster! Hope this helps!
The opposite of this is called "inbred depression." Basically, when you inbreed your stock poorly, resulting in the offspring inheriting all the negative aspects from both parents. Slow growth, low fertility, poor imune system, etc... Not to say you're BO's are, just thought I'd add to the above.
We ended up with some Red Star roos several years ago, and the little devils grew much faster than any of the other breeds; they looked like they were trying to be broilers at one point. I recall raising some Red Star hens for a friend, and they also grew very fast. If I recall correctly, our buff Orpington hen was a slower-growing bird.
Thank you, everyone, for your replies! Your experiences with both breeds is helpful.

I wondered about differences in growth rate but didn't come across any information about it in my many hours of perusing chicken literature.

I am happy with the mixed lot I got from the feed store! 12 cheap leftovers of which 9 are Buff Orps, 3 fast-growing, early laying (woo-hoo!) RSLs, and zero mortality and health problems to date!
I expected my Black Star pullets, as hybrids, to grow noticeably faster than my Buff Orpingtons but the Orpingtons have always been slightly bigger. That being said, the Black Stars are maturing more quickly as evidenced by their combs and wattles which are redder and more fully developed than those of the Buff Orpingtons.

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