GRRRRRRRRRR Refigerator raider!

my BF is a big bottomless pit. He'll eat everything, so I stopped keeping everything. I go to the grocery store every other day, so there are no excesses of food laying around. Also, I don't buy or make any sweets, just fruit. If he feels like munching, he can have carrots, apples or fat free saltine crackers. I wish I could say it's made him lose weight. Now he heads straight to the Chic-fil-A in the morning, buys candy bars and sodas all day, etc. Of course, until she's driving you won't have that problem.
My brother (the extreme raider child lol) who is 13, he has ADHD, and my dad has all the signs of ADHD himself. Don't let the teachers tell you what to do, let them make their suggestions, and then decide for yourself, bu whatever you do don't let the doctor put your daughter on ritalin... something like Adderall is better... it's time release, so she's not getting a full hit of it, and you get the lowest dose possible, ... the doctors have to listen to you as a parent in this situation.

Anyway, don't assume it's ADHD, we KNOW my brothers eating is not linked to his ADHD, next we're looking at tapeworm and other parasites.. he spent a lot of time out west, and went to an overnight camp a couple years back. It was only after he met his bestfriend Jade that he started going food crazy, and last year they found out she had an extreme case of WORMS.... likely from mucking around the farmyard the same way Kevin does, so we're going to go and get a course of tapeworm medication.
My 3 yr. old grand daughter USE TO do the same thing , until I gave her one good butt spanking and that was the end of that . BE FIRM , DIRECT , and STAND your ground with her . Next tiem you see her in the frig. TAKE her out of it , CLOSE the door and SPANK HER and tell her she is NOT allowed in the frig. Continue this pattern and fashion . DO NOT give in , esp. she is NOT hungry . Regardless TO me if a child is hungry or thirsty they NEED TO ASK an adult for whatever they want or need . And that choice of what to give is determined by everal factors . TIME of DAY , IF the child is hungry , how close to NEXT meal time . ETC. ETC. ETC.

Certain things KIDS should NEVER be allowed to do and that is one of them . She accidently leaves that door to the frig. open and you could lose alot of food .

SO if she don't understand english , SPELL it OUT for her .

Because if you having trouble making her MIND NOW at this age , LOOK out when she gets older . SO , time for more disciplinary actions
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It really depends on the school district/state you live in. I've been teaching in Calif. for 12 years and have had to refer many students for evaluations and I have not seen one professional recommend medication. I am a firm believer in a well balanced diet. Many kids react differently to certain kinds of food products. I always tell parents of very active, inattentive, aggressive kids, to please, please make sure their kids are eating well. Even some nutritionally sound food could be causing them to act up. Some kids have an intolerance to gluten, food dyes, etc.

So, Ewesheep, maybe you could try a new diet for your daughter and see if there are any changes in her behavior. There are many ideas and meal plans on the internet that could help.
PLEASE I beg you , DO NOT wait for the school to re-test her hearing . HAVE it done now by a specialist . I am deaf in my right ear and NOW ONLY 40% in my left . One of my lil grand daughters inherited this hearing disease . CATCH any problem early ..

ALSO , ADD/ADHD can be determined by her Peditrician , ANOTHER thing you DO NOT have to wait for teachers or school to do .

Regardless of ADD/ADHD OR a hearing problem , ITS time at 4 years old that this child get into a Pattern before schools starts .

My children were always in bed during school time by 8:30 PM when they were in elementary . 9:00 PM when they were in Middle school , and 10:00 when they were in high school .
I would also start getting them preared with earlier bedtime hours about a MONTH before school started back after summer .

TRUST ME , Hubby's can be your worse enemy when it comes to doing the RIGHT discipline with kids . My former hubby worked offshore and when he came in , he thought everything regarding the kids had to RUN by his rules . SORRY , but when I played MOMMY & DADDY for 14 days at a time , and he was home for only 7 days , I MADE THE RULES .
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It really depends on the school district/state you live in. I've been teaching in Calif. for 12 years and have had to refer many students for evaluations and I have not seen one professional recommend medication. I am a firm believer in a well balanced diet. Many kids react differently to certain kinds of food products. I always tell parents of very active, inattentive, aggressive kids, to please, please make sure their kids are eating well. Even some nutritionally sound food could be causing them to act up. Some kids have an intolerance to gluten, food dyes, etc.

So, Ewesheep, maybe you could try a new diet for your daughter and see if there are any changes in her behavior. There are many ideas and meal plans on the internet that could help.

ALSO , PLEASE regulate all sugars in her diet . SO MANY foods have sugar .

grandson was having seizures from diet of to much sugar and caffeine . They changed and regulated his diet and NO MORE SEIZURES .
I'm a personal chef and nutritional consultant. I'd like to ask a few questions, if that's ok. (you can answer in a PM if you don't want everybody to read...)

Take a really, REALLY close, critical look at what you feed her. I know you said she eats well but being a good eater and eating well are too different things.

1. Does she eat a lot of highly processed foods? (i.e. out of a box, mac-n-cheese, rice a roni, hamburger helper?)

2. Does she act differently before and after meals? (40 min before to 30min after?)

3. What kind of breakfast does she get?

4. How much milk does she drink? Is it whole, 2%, 1%, skim, or soymilk?

and the worst question...
5. What does her poo look like? Any super foul odors?

Usually, strange behavior like eating dirt, licking chalk, raiding the fridge, has it's roots in a dificency of some sort. lack of a certain Vitamin and or Mineral combination can cause strange food cravings just like a pregnant woman that wants pickle flavored ice cream with bacon bits.

Being 4, your little one understands that the fridge is where the food is. If she takes several bites of random things, she may be looking for that magic food with the thing she needs.

The food we have available is not healthy (even if it says so on the box) and is usually lacking in essential vitamins and minerals for growing cookie monsters.
If I were you, I'd start her on Flintstones Vitamins with the addition of a "B Complex" and extra "C" and keep a close eye on how she acts after two days or so of vitamins. Also, try to get her to eat fish (salmon or makrel) or somehow get a fish oil supplement in her. The essential fatty acids, omega 6 and omega 3 ,are absolutely, well, essential to a growing, developing brain.

I'll help with questions 1 thru 5 when you answer them.
Consistency is the only major suggestion I can give you, it sounds like you have a child with an authority problem rather than a raiding problem. My 5 yr old is VERY well behaved, he has his moments of course, but he knows that he CANNOT have anything without asking, and that he gets spanked or time out otherwise. He has problems with frustration, but other than that he's pretty good. The main thing is that I follow through with my 'threats'....if I say he's gonna go to bed for not listening, he goes STRAIGHT to bed, no if's and's or but's about it. The other thing is: if I say no, and he asks Daddy, he gets in trouble. And vice versa. Congratulations for not letting her get away with stuff!!! I was impressed when you said that she either eats or goes without, because there are A LOT of parents who will give in. For instance, my friend's daughter throws screaming tantrums when she has to eat vegetables, and gets in her mother's face. Most of the time she gets away with it, which I cannot stand!!! Kids will be kids, but you gotta draw the line somewhere before they start walking all over you. Whining is a major no-no. If you whine in my house you don't get ANYTHING, including food, until you stop whining. I'm not going to serve little brats in my house, PERIOD. You should sit down with your hubby and discuss parenting, because if your daughter knows that you 2 aren't in complete agreement she will play the both of you against each other. Trust me, I've seen it done and I remember doing it. I could get away with anything if I convinced my mom to be mad at my dad for how he handled something. Don't be afraid to spank. There's a major line between discipline and abuse, and there is no way a loving parent can abuse their children. It's just not something we can do. You can tell when something gets to your child, you know if you need a paddle or your hand, etc. If she doesn't understand why she's getting punished (which I think she may, 4 yr olds are smarter than people think) I would suggest asking her why she's in trouble, if she doesn't know, explain, then ask her to repeat it back to you. That way you know she's listening. It may work to give her a little less of a punishment if she can admit what she's done wrong. If I may, I'd like to give one more little bit of advice: NO DRUGS. Almost every child you encounter will be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, and the point of the drugs is not to help the kid but to make the parents' and teachers' lives easier. Patience (hah! LOL!) and a firm hand is all it takes. My son is severely ADHD, and yet he has learned to obey. Time out is awesome, spankings when necessary, as well as cooking bland meals for just the child (while you eat steak) and no dessert. Please keep in mind that mood/mind altering drugs can lead to drug dependency, addiction, and personality disorders, among other things. One child I knew had been on Adderal for about 5 yrs, and became suicidal once taken off of it. I can't even count the bad experiences I've known people to have on Ritalin!!! Sorry this is long!! Good luck!!!

P.S. Enforce everything you do with love, and she'll get the idea. Kids need to know (of course you know this) that they're loved, even when being disciplined. I can't count how many times my son has cried in my arms after I've spanked him, and then he actually apologizes for what he's done wrong!!! All by himself, I didn't tell him to say it, he learned it. And, above all else, he knows that he's loved.
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WELL this is NOW a very funny story .

My lil grandson which is now 7 years old , when he was 2 years old , he use to throw lil trantrums , kick scream , yell , ETC . to get his way .

Well , one day we were BOTH in abad mood . He started his lil tantrum , with his parents here , which is my daughter and her hubby . WELL , I took him to the bathroom and acted like I thought he needed to PEE , well I DID NOT pull up his pants before SPANKING HIS BUTT . I asked him , Dylan do you know why MAW MAW spanked you , he answered NO . I told him WHY and I spanked again because he was kicking and screamign , AGAIN I asked , Dylan DO YOU KNOW WHY MAW MAW spanked you , AGAIN he said NO ..... and I spanked him again , I ASKED AGAIN , DYLAN WHY did I spank you ? DO you know WHY ? " HE ANSWERED , YES


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