Guard Chicken


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
This is Cajun the Guard Chicken. Everytime one of the hens goes in to lay, she blocks the door to the hen house so the layer has privacy. She won't move until the layer is done. IS THIS NORMAL?

I cant tell you how "normal" it is, but its interesting she does that. When did you first notice she was taking on "guard" duty?
We are normally gone when they lay, so one day last weekend we stayed outside when we heard the turken yelling like a banshee and that's when we noticed it. She moves to let the hen out and goes back into place when another one goes in. By the way - she is the lead hen. No doubt about that!

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