Guard geese?


I have 11 chickens and originally wanted them to free range in a small field. But the darn neighbors cat gets in to the field and stalks the chickens so I've been keeping them in the yard, driveway, bushes etc. But when they are kinda getting poop every where. Our lab could keep an eye on them but he goes after them sometimes.

Would a few geese protect them from that dang cat?
A slingshot with clay pellets wil dissuade the cat.
It's also unlikely the cat will try a chicken more than once. Cats may like to stalk but they are usually terrible cowards and prefer very small birds that are not likely to put up much of a fight.
You don't mention if you have a rooster. That might help some.
Geese are not remotely interested in what happens to chickens. While they may give early warning they are not likely to attack anything unless it's a threat to them and even then it's often more show than anything else.
Deal with the cat.
Well we dont actually have mountain lions but if one of my dogs even go within a few feet of the chickens I have to make a run for the dog. He is blind and doesnt know whats coming until its too late. The other dogs stay far away and will prefer to go in with the donkey and pony to get away from the geese. And yeah a big ass goose jumping on your back biting you really does hurt and I had some really bad bruises.
Maybe teach the mean a** goose to ride the donkey. It’s very fortuitous that you have that donkey. They are great protectors and to see a mean a** goose riding a donkey galloping across the pasture like Pooh Bear riding Eor (however you spell it) would be terrifying to any man or beast or even a kitty cat. Mountain lions don’t stand a chance bro!
Maybe teach the mean a** goose to ride the donkey. It’s very fortuitous that you have that donkey. They are great protectors and to see a mean a** goose riding a donkey galloping across the pasture like Pooh Bear riding Eor (however you spell it) would be terrifying to any man or beast or even a kitty cat. Mountain lions don’t stand a chance bro!
If you want to talk about mean...Cody, my shetland pony is the meanest pony who was ever born. He will bite your face. He is so spoiled but its my fault totally. Jaxson the donkey isnt mean...he just wants to be loved.
He’s always wanting to drive the spaceship when he knows it’s my turn!

Get it Big Floppy

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