Guess my breed


Feb 21, 2019
East TN
Here are the remaining four of six chicks, that hatched from the twelve eggs my neighbor brought up when Maleficent went broody.
I am guessing the white one is Lavender Orpington, since the only white or lite colored chickens he has are Lavender Orpington.
I have no ideal what the black ones are, though one kind of looks; and acts, like a rooster.
The neighbor doesn't have any all black chickens, though he has some dark brown, dark reddish color and some laced or speckled.
I will probably be rehoming them all. Either to someone else or my freezer.
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View attachment 1881429 Here are the remaining four of six chicks, that hatched from the twelve eggs my neighbor brought up when Maleficent went broody.
I am guessing the white one is Lavender Orpington, since the only white or lite colored chickens he has are Lavender Orpington.
I have no ideal what the black ones are, though one kind of looks; and acts, like a rooster.
The neighbor doesn't have any all black chickens, though he has some dark brown, dark reddish color and some laced or speckled.
I will probably be rehoming them all. Either to someone else or my freezer.
Does your neighbor segregate his birds into breeding pens? It does not sound like that is the case. If that is true, you have 4 mixed breed chicks and the one with the rose comb is a cockerel.

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