Guess what I gave away on Craigslist? LOL


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Opelousas, Louisiana
Feathers!!! I clipped the wings of my chickens and ducks this past weekend. After all of the wings had been clipped, I looked in my barrel and couldn't help but admire the different colored feathers. I took a pic of the feathers. I posted it below. I thought that it was a beautiful picture. I thought that it was so beautiful that I had to find a way for someone to re-use and re-cycle them. So what did I do? I logged on to my craigslist account and posted an ad for free feathers. I really didn't think that anyone would respond and I also thought that the ad would be flagged because others would think that it was a joke. Well, lo and behold, within a few hours, someone responded to my Free Feathers craigslist post. The email asked if the feathers were still available. I initially thought that the email was a joke and wasn't going to respond. After reading this person's email several times, I noticed that their signature at the bottom of the email consisted of 3 links. I clicked on the links and it brought me to a website that was advertising the most beautiful handmade jewelry that I had ever seen in my life. I checked out all of the links and concluded that this was a real person and that the email was legitimate. I replied back to the person letting her know that the feathers were still available. She asked if she could have them and I told her yes. She gave me her phone number and we scheduled a meeting for her to pick up the feathers. She picked up the feathers on yesterday. She sent me the sweetest email. Please see her actual email below.

"Just wanted to drop a note and say thank you for the feathers! They are awesome and once I clean them, will definitely come in handy for future designs. If you ever need to get rid of feathers again, just drop me an e-mail and I'll be happy to arrange another pickup!"

I emailed her back and told her that she can have all of the feathers that she wants.
I don't know why but I am so happy that someone could use the feathers from my chickens and ducks. And I am more excited that their feathers will be used as part of someone's creative jewelry designs or art designs. Can you believe that? I know it sounds corny but I am tickled pink. It just goes to show, you never know how others can use what you may think is "junk" or "un-useable".

I just wanted to share that with everyone. If you ever have any feathers that you're getting rid of, try posting it and see if anyone responds. Even if it's not feathers, trying posting it. You just never know.

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Very cool! I also love reusing everything possible. In fact, I need to trim some Mallard wings........
That's awesome! could you post the link to her website so we can see what beautiful things are being created with your feathers?
Yes please! I am a crafting nerd and would love ideas on how to use all these duck feathers I have. Wendy just molted and my back yard looks like we have been having pillow fights

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