Guessing the gender of my 3 week old chicks


May 24, 2020
I’m posting this from my phone so hopefully it works!

I have a dozen chicks, 3 weeks old. Fathered by a black copper maran. Came from a variety of hens including barred rock, crested cream legbar, ameraucana, welsummer, and olive eggers.

I was able to get pictures of five of the chicks last night, so here we go!

#1 - leaning towards hen but could go either way
#2 and 3 I am certain are hens
#4 I am not sure
#5 I am certain is a roo
This early all anyone will be able to do is guess which will be 50-50 accuracy.

Just looking I agree. All look like pullets but the last one is showing early signs of being a cockerel.

When they’re 5 weeks or older come back with new pictures and someone will be able to guess with more accuracy 😊
This early all anyone will be able to do is guess which will be 50-50 accuracy.

Just looking I agree. All look like pullets but the last one is showing early signs of being a cockerel.

When they’re 5 weeks or older come back with new pictures and someone will be able to guess with more accuracy 😊
x2. Too young to sex for sure. Buuuut...just saying, my 8 week old Speckled Sussex, Nutmeg, still has a smaller comb than #5.
I’ll take more pics in a couple weeks. Funny enough, chick #5 has the least amount of feathers grown in and he’s smallest in size but has the largest comb of all the chicks.
I’ll take more pics in a couple weeks. Funny enough, chick #5 has the least amount of feathers grown in and he’s smallest in size but has the largest comb of all the chicks.
The least feathers is a common roo trait in some breeds. By the way, what breeds are they?

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