Guinea eggs?


Veggie Chick
13 Years
Mar 22, 2010
Saratoga County, NY
I have the Hovabator 2362N (w/turner) coming from Ebay in a day or so and I'd like to purchase guinea eggs to start with (not enough coop space for more chickens and we are receiving a keet shipment in a little over a month so this would coincide directly if anything hatched!

Anyone know where the best place to purchase fertile guinea eggs would be? I know the hatch rate will probably be poor with shipped eggs, but the local craigslist doesn't have anything so picking up does not appear to be an option. Sides, this is my first hatching try so I am not expecting much, if anything. I've already read the horror stories about ebay hatching eggs, although willing to go there if necessary.

The incubation period for guinea eggs is 28 days, correct?

Thanks much!
Where are you located and how many do you want? I have white, pearl and lavender guineas laying now and could get you probably 30 or 40 by the first of next week at $1 per egg plus $15 shipping.
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I'll PM you. I'm in upstate NY. I looked at McMurray also, but the eggs are almost as pricey as buying the keets outright, which is a lot less risky of course.
I don't expect much on my first hatch, but would like at least a few to hatch if possible!

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