Guinea Keets and Broody Hens

Grandmother Goose

In the Brooder
May 25, 2024
I have just purchased 15 guinea keets and they are currently about 3 days old. I also have 4 broody Jersey Giant Hens in my coop. Is it possible to put them together? If so, when would I be safe to start (the keets seem very fragile) should I wait a while? Also, how would I go about doing this so the chickens are most likely to accept them. I have been gathering the eggs, but the hens refuse to move for the last several weeks. The other big concern is the rooster, would he harm the keets? Oh, also, the temperatures have been averaging 70-75 daytime and 50 nightime. I guess I had more questions than I thought. Thanks
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
How long have your broody hens been broody? It is possible to graft guinea keets to a chicken hen. From what I understand the guinea keets will grow up to be a bit quieter than a keet raised by a guinea hen.

Due to the size of the hens and the size of the keets I would wait a couple of days before you try to slip them under the hens at night after removing eggs from under them. Your broody hens should only be setting on fake eggs and not real eggs.

No rooster in my flock has ever harmed chick. They're always very curious about them, very gentle with them, and if the mother lets them they enjoy feeding the chicks.
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