Guinea vanished in 5 minutes please advise.


15 Years
Oct 13, 2008
Northern NJ
I have 2 male guineas Frankie and Johnny and I can't tell them apart. One has a cyst on the shoulder of his wing I guess it is which the vet said will bleed if he smacks it and nothing can be done. It has been quiet for about a year but tonight went I went to do my final count it was a mess and he was all bloody. I went upstairs and prepared all my supplies so as to treat him as quick as possible to avoid stress.

I went back into the coop in the dark with a towel and grabbed him as these guineas are very hyper. His buddy was right next to him. He started his guinea scream whcih set everybody off until I got him in the house.

I only had him upstairs to clean him up for about 5 minutes, maybe less. When I got back all the chickens were still there but the other guinea was nowhere to be found. I looked under every crack and space in the coop. I looked around outside, under bushes. He is nowhere to be found. I don;t know what happened? Did he get scared and take off in the dark of night? It isn;t that cold but it is raining fairly hard. I am worried about him.

Does anyone have an inkling as to where to look and what could have happened? I have a dog but she isn;t barking which she does if there is a predator.
Well I do have a lot of trees as I live on a mountain. I checked the obvious ones but there are so many. Even if I saw him I wouldn;t be able to get him down.

I guess all I can do is say my prayers and wait until morning. Sure hope he is OK. There are a lot of owls, raccoons, coyotes and so forth. I never would have thought he would take off in the dark. Their coop is actually a garage under my deck so I had to leave the door opened until I brought the other one back as there is no other way in. Then I went right in the sliding glass door into the house, maybe he was trying to find his buddy? But he has surely seen me enter the house that way before.
Thanks for your quick response. The other one made a few noises when he got back but I didn;t hear a response.

Hopefully he will show up in the morning. They haven't spent a night out since they have lived here for about a year. Right before dark sometimes they start crying and I have to escort them in. They also rotate coops.
Well....this morning at 6:15 am I heard guinea noises outside so I went out and escorted him back to where his brother was from the night before so he could dry off and get some breakfast. He was on the totally other side of the house from where he departed.

What do you call male guineas? and if I got 2 females would they pester the chickens and steal their nests?

Thanks for all your help guys.
If you have a guinea fowl call you have birds that have found their voices. The FEMALE guinea will make a double syllable vocal noise. It sorta sounds like "come-back , come-back". The MALE guinea fowl will make a single syllable vocal noise. It is very similiar to thier alerts, but quick and short. If you would like to hear the female here is a link to this:

I do not have a link the the male ones yet.
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Thanks I will go look at the link, can't wait....but what I meant was I know the girls are guinea hens so what are the boys called....guinea _____ whats?
One thing I have been told about guineas is that if you mess with them where they roost at, they won't roost there anymore. You may have to coop them up to get them to stay where you want them to. It probably did roost in the trees, and probably will continue to. Good luck.

I just call the boys roosters.
I liked the site thanks, now DOES ANYONE KNOW what you call the Male guineas and if I got 2 females to go with the 2 males would they bully my chickens?

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