Guineas alerted me of a Rattler!


12 Years
Jul 10, 2007
Montana Country
Well me little flock earned they're keep last night. We came home around 9:00 pm (it stays light up here until 10:30 pm) and I went to the coop to collect they eggs for the day, my guineas were pitching a fit as I approached the coop, I thought they were just excited to see me then I heard the rattle! There was a three foot rattler by the coop door! He was hidden in some tall grass (which will be taken down today) by the main door. gotta love the birds, noise and all!

(so far my guineas have alerted me to the neighbor's construction work, every time he uses a hammer, whenever they see a chicken they don't recognize, when my brother came to do yardwork, when it starts to sprinkle outside.... Nothing so useful, yet!)
LA~Poulet :


(so far my guineas have alerted me to the neighbor's construction work, every time he uses a hammer, whenever they see a chicken they don't recognize, when my brother came to do yardwork, when it starts to sprinkle outside.... Nothing so useful, yet!)

Yay guineas!
Now when people ask why you have those "awful birds" (a question I get asked A LOT!) you can say, because they saved my life!

I agree...extra treats for the sweet babies! So glad you are ok! Did you get rid of the snake?

I gave my foursome some blueberries, it's they're favorite! I started to move it with a BIG stick but DH came out and took over, sending it flying out in to the marsh behind our property.
I think I'll make plans to keep a few more with my next hatch ( I usually sell them) since they did prove themselves worthy. DH usually has issues with the noise but it paid off this time so when I suggested keeping more, he didn't argue. I think I'll post my story at the general store to promote my sales too.

This was my second encounter with a rattler, the first one 3 years ago, we just moved out here from the BIG city and didn't even have chickens yet!
Guineas do sound off about everything. But I'm used to such updates...I have a bunch of dogs in my front yard who keep me updated constantly.."Look out!! A squirrel is in the trees!!! It's here to murder us all!!"

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